A bunch of scripts designed for both interactive and script use. They assume they're in ~/.git-scripts, so ~/.git-scripts should be in your PATH.
git are-no-conflicts <branch1> <branch2> [<branch3> ...]
Exits with a exit code of 0 if the given branches can be merged without conflicts; otherwise, exists with an exit code of 1.
Lists all local branches in the repository. Designed for scripting, so you can do something like
for branch in $(git branches); do
# Do something with $branch
Gets the current branch, or exists with a exit code of 1 if no branch is checked out. This was also designed for scripting, although git-ref is probably more useful.
A quick and simple way to tell if the current working directory is in a git working tree. Exits with a code of 0 if it is in a working tree, 1 otherwise.
git ref [--short]
A useful scripting tool for figuring out where HEAD is - it prints a symbolic ref name if it can, and the SHA1 hash if it can't. This too is designed for scripting, so you can do this:
ref=$(git ref)
# ...
# Do whatever checkouts you want
git checkout branch
# ...
# Go back to where you were, so the user isn't
# surprised that HEAD changed on them
git checkout "$ref"
This command also can be useful for shell prompts.
This command does a git fetch --all
, and then it checks out each branch and
tries to rebase it against the remote branch its set to track (if such a branch
exists). This command relies of git-ref
to get back to where it was, and
to make sure avoid trying to automatically update
branches where they will be conflicts.