Welcome to our XL application! Our team has built a spreadsheet application that mimics the functionality of Microsoft's Excel. With XL, you can create, edit, and manipulate spreadsheets with ease. Our application is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, with a familiar interface that will make it easy for you to get started.
XL is built using Java and the Swing GUI toolkit, and is designed to be cross-platform, so you can use it on any operating system that supports Java. We've also included a number of features that will make your spreadsheet experience even better, including support for formulas, cell formatting, and more.
We've used a series of coding patterns to build XL, including Factories, Template, Observer, MVC, and dependency inversion. These patterns help us to create a well-structured, maintainable codebase that is easy to extend and modify.
This project is part of the course EDAF60 - Object-oriented Modelling and Design at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Fall 2023.
- Joel Bengs (jo5531be-s)
- Gustaf Jonson Stamfält (gu3505jo-s)
- Victor Pekkari (vi8011pe-s)
- Henrik Vester (he5834ve-s)
class Environment{
+ value(String) : Optional~Double~
+ toString(Environment) : Optional~String~
+ stringValue(Coordinate) : Optional~String~
+ gridContent(Coordinate) : Optional~String~
+ addToSheet(Coordinate, String) : void
+ clearCell(Coordinate): void
+ clearAllCells(): void
+ getRepository(): Map~Coordinate-Cell~
+ externalNotify(): void
+ getInputParser(): InputParser
+ addObserver(SheetPanel): void
<<Interface>> Environment
class Sheet {
- map : TreeMap~Coordinate-Cell~
- inputParser : InputParser
+ value(String) : Optional~Double~
+ toString(Environment) : Optional~String~
+ stringValue(Coordinate) : Optional~String~
+ gridContent(Coordinate) : Optional~String~
+ addToSheet(Coordinate, String) : void
+ clearCell(Coordinate): void
+ clearAllCells(): void
+ getRepository(): Map~Coordinate-Cell~
+ externalNotify(): void
+ getInputParser(): InputParser
+ addObserver(SheetPanel): void
class Coordinate {
- row : Int
- col : Int
+ Coordinate(Int, Int)
+ getRow() : Int
+ getCol() : Int
+ toString() : String
+ equals(Object): Int
+ compareTo(Coordinate) : Int
class Cell {
+ value(Environment) : Double
+ toString(Environment) : String
+ gridString(Environment) : String
class Bomb{
+ value() : Double
+ toString() : String
+ gridString(Environment) : String
class CellFactory {
+ build(String) : Cell
<<Interface>> CellFactory
class ExprFactory {
- exprParser : ExprParser
+ build(String) : Cell
class CommentFactory {
+ build(String) : Cell
class InputParser{
+ parse(String) : Cell
+ parseAsCommen(String) : Cell
+ parseAsExpr(String) : Cell
class ExprParser {
+ build(Reader) : Expr
+ build(String) : Expr
- expr() : Expr
- factor() : Expr
- term() : Expr
CellFactory <|.. ExprFactory
CellFactory <|.. CommentFactory
CellFactory <|.. BombFactory
ExprFactory -- ExprParser
ExprParser -- Cell
CommentFactory -- Cell
BombFactory -- Cell
Sheet -- Coordinate
Sheet -- InputParser
InputParser -- CellFactory
Environment <|.. Sheet
class Cell {
+ value(Environment) : Double
+ toString(Environment) : String
+ gridString(Environment) : String
<<Interface>> Cell
Cell <|.. Expr
Cell <|.. Comment
Cell <|.. Bomb
class Expr{
+ value(Environment) : Double
+ toString() : String
+ toString(int)* : String
<<Abstract>> Expr
Expr <|.. Num
Expr <|.. BinaryExpr
Expr <|.. Variable
Expr o-- BinaryExpr
class Num {
- adjustment: NumberAdjustment
- value : Double
+ Num(Double)
+ value(Environment): Double
+ toString(Int): String
+ gridString(Environment): String
class BinaryExpr {
- expr1 : Expr
- expr2 : Expr
# precedence1 : Int
# precedence2 : Int
# BinaryExpr(Expr, Expr)
# op(Double, Double)* : Double
# opString()* : String
+ value(Environment): Double
+ toString(Int) : String
+ gridString(Environment) : String
<<Abstract>> BinaryExpr
BinaryExpr <|.. Add
BinaryExpr <|.. Sub
BinaryExpr <|.. Mul
BinaryExpr <|.. Div
class Add {
+ Add(Expr, Expr)
+ op(Double, Double) : Double
# opString() : String
class Sub {
+ Sub(Expr, Expr)
+ op(Double, Double) : Double
# opString() : String
class Mul {
+ Mul(Expr, Expr)
+ op(Double, Double) : Double
# opString() : String
class Div {
+ Div(Expr, Expr)
+ op(Double, Double) : Double
# opString() : String
class Variable {
- coordinate : Coordinate
+ Variable(Coordinate)
+ toString(Int) : String
+ gridString(Environment): String
+ value(Environment) : Double
class Comment{
- message : String
+ Comment(String)
+ toString(Environment) : String
+ gridString(Environment): String
+ value(Environment): Double
class Bomb{
+ value(Environment) : Double
+ toString() : String
+ gridString(Environment): String
- A3: Förklara i bara några få ord vad var och en av klasserna
i den utdelade koden gör.
The classes are located in the gui package.
displays the contents of one cell in the spreadsheet.SlotLabel
, which in turn extendsJLabel
– a Swing GUI element for displaying strings. -
is the view for all of the cells in the spreadsheet. This class has a field with the correspondingSlotLabel
for each position in the cell grid. -
and as such, it's a textfield that the user can edit text with. It is the users main point of interaction with the application. The purpose of this text field is to enable the user to write values and formulas to be assigned to a cell. TheEditor
view is presented above the cells, next to the status bar. -
The purpose of the
class is to present status messages to the user. This label is presented next to a label showing the currently selected cell. They are bundled together in theStatusPanel
class. TheStatusLabel
class implementsObserver
to be able to react to changes in the application state and update itself accordingly. -
is a view displaying the currently selected cell. It is bundled together with aStatusLabel
instance in aStatusPanel
instance. -
is the main class of the application. It initializes the various Model instances and sets up the views. By having a list of currently active spreadsheets, it supports opening several spreadsheets at once. -
A4: Användningsfall: Någon skriver talet 42 i
, vad skall hända innan värdet syns i vyn (dvs vilken väg skall värdet gå genom M, V och C)?
- The editor (part of the View) registers "42" as an input string by the user.
- The Controller needs to be alerted in some way that the text in the text field has been updated and react to it.
- The Controller will update the model which the rest of the View will react to, making it update.
The path the value takes is therefore View ➡️ Controller ️➡️ ️️Model ➡️ View.
- B2: En cell kan innehålla antingen en kommentar eller ett uttryck hur modellerar vi det i Javakod?
We can implement an interface (or abstract class) for cell contents, which is implemented by two classes: Expression
and Comment
. This is dependency inversion. Please note that this representation is used in the model only and is separate from what is displayed in each SlotLabel
, which preferably could still store its contents to be displayed as a simple String
- B4: Vilka klasser, förutom dem i
-paketet, kommer vi att behöva i vår modell?
We need a Cell
interface/abstract class, that is implemented/subclassed by Expr
and Comment
We also need a model for all the cells in the sheet. This could preferably be a class implementing the Environment
interface. This is different from the SlotsLabels
class which is only responsible for displaying the cells. class.
- C1: När ett uttryck som innehåller en adress beräknas använder
vi en
-- varför?
We use the intercace Environment
in place of its implementation sheet
in order to achieve dependency inversion, an important SOLID principle.
Interface Expr
specifies the method value(Environment): double
, which returnts the value of the expression. The parameter Environment
is used to retrieve the values of the variables that the expression referes to. E.g. a cell in the spreadsheet can contain the logic a1 + a2
. Given that the variable have values, a1 = 3
, a2 = 5
, the call to Expr.value(Environment)
should then return 8
- D1: Vilka klasser i modellen måste vara kända av vårt GUI?
It needs to have access to some class that can give it a String
to put in its SlotLabel
. This can come either from the toString
method in the Cell
class or some kind of facade pattern class implemented specifically for this purpose. By doing it this way we achieve a loose coupling between the various parts of our system.
- D2: När vårt GUI hämtar 'värdet' i en cell, för att visa det i rutnätet, vilket värde är det vi egentligen vill ha, och vilken typ bör det ha?
We want the GUI to be able to access String
representations of all the various Cell
- E4: Allmänt: vilket paket bör upptäcka fel?
The model (i.e. the expr
- E5: Allmänt: vilket paket bör hantera fel, och hur gör vi det?
The Controller, because it has access both to the view (to display for example error messages) and the model. The View will only communicate errors to the user. The model only rejects new cell entries.
- F1: Vilken slags synkronisering (Flow Synchronization eller Observer Synchronization) vill gruppen använda för kommunikationen mellan M och V/C?
We want to imlemement Observer Synchronization.
- F2: Hur håller programet reda vilket som är den aktuella cellen? Svaret på denna fråga beror på hur ni implementerar er Controller.
It should not be dealt with in the model (i,e, not in the Sheet that implements Environment). Either the view or the controller keeps track of this.
- F3: Hur triggas uppdateringar i ert GUI? Svaret på denna fråga beror av hur ni implementerar er Controller.
Through the Observer Synchronization.
För att köra programmet kan man skriva:
./gradlew run
i projektets rot-katalog.