Assemble a small Wordpress site from scratch.
All content must be editable in Wordpress.
- home page
- global menu which collapses on screens narrower than 768px. Pages in the menu can be empty but for a title.
- About
- Products
- Contact
- masthead image, full page width
- 3 unique blocks of text
- newsletter ajax signup form
- uses admin-ajax.php
- one text input: email
- one button: signup
- validate email structure using a regex pattern (just the structure [something]@[something].[something])
- reports email validation back to the page
- global menu which collapses on screens narrower than 768px. Pages in the menu can be empty but for a title.
A .zip archive containing:
- your site's web root including wordpress, plugins, and uploads.
- a .sql file of the database