Weekly task-management desktop app designed to help you organize, track, and achieve your goals and objectives with an intuitive weekly/yearly calendar interface.
- Task Management: Create goals (tasks) for each week, edit, and mark them as complete.
- Note Taking: Keep important notes within the week (near your related goals).
- Calendar View (Weekly): Visualize and navigate your goals/notes on a weekly calendar-like interface.
- Objective View (Yearly): Create and manage your objectives for each year/season/month.
- Multiple Calendar View: Display dates for two different calendar system.
- Currently supported calendars: Gregorian, Chinese, Persian, Arabic
- Ordering: Use drag-and-drop functionality to reorder items.
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Predefined keyboard shortcuts for navigating, ordering, and editing items.
Go to the release section to download and install.
ThisWeek desktop app is built with Tauri (Rust + React + Typescript)
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/jeot/thisweek.git
cd thisweek
Install dependencies for the front-end:
npm install
Build and run the app in development mode:
cargo tauri dev
To create a production-ready version of the app:
cargo tauri build
This will generate the packaged app (installer binary) for your operating system.
Feel free to fork this project, submit issues, or open pull requests. Contributions are welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
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