Before I became a developer I was a molecular biologist studying how proteins control gene expression. As a molecular biologist most of my time was spent in the lab working directly with DNA, RNA, and proteins. But often I would bump into a problem that needed some custom software. As I learned to develop these small-personal programs, I became more and more drawn to programming and would want to spend the whole day playing around with code. Eventually I decided to make the switch and develop full time. I want to build tools that will benefit people; just like the tools that I relied on everyday in the lab.
- OS : macOS Ventura
- Editor : Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, RStudio
- Languages : Python, JavaScript(ES6), R, CSS, HTML, Markdown
- Frameworks/Libraries/Tools : React, Express.js, Git, Chrome DevTools, Regex, npm, Node.js, MongoDB, Django, Bootstrap, Auth0
- Curiosity
- My biggest strength is my curiosity and I often leverage it to motivate my work and exploration.
- Ambition
- I have always been a self-starter. As long as I can keep my motivations straight, I can work independantly for months or years without outside validation.
- Accountability
- I like to live life as a minimalist with the few things I do possess being highly valued. Accountability is one of those traits/possessions that I won't life without. I am honest and dependable when I commit to a task.
I'm deadset on building a better life for myself and my dependents. I want the skills I accrue to build one on top of the other so that I can go further and build better tools.
I have gotten comfortable using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and React to build a front-end; at least for the basics. I have made several servers for the backend with Node.js. My next focus is to learn how to build with Django and work with more complex data structures to improve my data analysis skills.
I am an avid rock climber, mechanical tinkerer, and hobby historian. I try to stay fit to help my mental health and to climb beautiful rocks. I enjoy learning about mechanical devices, everything from industrial machines to space craft. I love learning about history through the lens of the people that experienced and shaped it. It's always a good day if I manage to lay one more mystery to rest!
Fun fact I learned yesterday, the combustion chamber for the Space Shuttle was fabricated with the help of wax! link
- Robert Smalls
- Antoni Gaudi
- Richard Feynman
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Terry Fox
- Stanislav Petrov
- Julia Childs
- Alex Honnold
- Gail Halverson
- Bryan Stevenson
- Mary Seacole
- Edward Jenner
- Fred Hampton
- Jane Goodall
- Marquis de Lafayette
- Inspiration: Hexx King
- Banners: Canva
- Icons: Icons8
- Emojis: Emojipedia