#Live project https://jaideep-typing-master.netlify.app/
#Introduction: Typing Master is a simple web application that helps users improve their typing speed and accuracy. The application generates a random paragraph for the user to type out within a given time limit of 1 minute. The user's typing speed and accuracy are tracked and displayed in real-time, including the number of mistakes made, characters per minute (CPM), and words per minute (WPM). The application is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
#Installation: There is no installation required to use the Typing Master application. Simply navigate to the index.html file and open it with your preferred web browser.
#Usage: To use the Typing Master application, open the index.html file in your web browser. Click the "Start Typing" button to begin the typing test. Type the displayed paragraph as accurately and quickly as possible. The timer will begin counting down from 1 minute. Once the time is up, the application will display the user's results, including their accuracy, mistakes made, CPM, and WPM.
#Contributing: This project is currently open for contributions. If you would like to contribute to the project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
#Credits: The design and layout of this application was created by the developer using Bootstrap, a popular CSS framework. The application logic was implemented using vanilla JavaScript.