This is still a work in progress, and controller code has issues of overshooting the target temperature use at your own risk.
This is a implementation of temperature control of heated plate for reflow soldering.
To make this you will need:
- Arduino pro mini (or any other microcontroller)
- Thermal resistor (I used 100k one from my 3d printer spares)
- 4.7kOhm resistor for temperature resistor pullup
- 10uF capacitor for stabilizing sensor value
- Nokia 5510 display module (Or other display module... code might need to be patched for this though)
- Solid state relay (use solid state relay to avoid arking when Arduino enables disables the output pin)
- if Arduino runs on 5V you will need additional 5 10k resistors and one 1kOhm resistors on the SPI line ment for display.
To compile Arduino code you will need few additional libraries.
- Thermistor library from here or Arduino IDE library section
- Adafruit PCD8544 library from Arduino IDE library section or here. Dont forget to install dependencies for it too.
- Thermal runaway algorithm is ignoring the state of solid state relay output pin
- Controller code does not account for thermal mass of the heater and plate. This will get solved once PID algorithm is added.