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The goal of this project is to play with Solace PubSub+. For it, we will implement a producer and consumer of different types of news about many countries and cities.

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The goal of this project is to play with Solace PubSub+. For it, we will implement a producer and consumer of different types of news about many countries and cities.

Proof-of-Concepts & Articles

On, I have compiled my Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs) and articles. You can easily search for the technology you are interested in by using the filter. Who knows, perhaps I have already implemented a PoC or written an article about what you are looking for.

Additional Readings


  • producer-service

    Spring Boot application that exposes a REST API to submit news events. It published news to the following destination with format: ps/news/{type}/{country}/{city}


    POST /api/news {"type": [SPORT|ECONOMY|HEALTH], "country": "...", "city": "...", "title": "..."}
    POST /api/news/random {"number": ..., "delay": ...}
  • consumer-service

    Spring Boot application that consumes the news events published by producer-service.


Start Environment

  • Open a terminal and inside the spring-cloud-stream-solace-pubsub root folder run:

    docker compose up -d
  • Wait for solace Docker container to be up and running. To check it, run:

    docker compose ps

Running Applications with Maven

  • producer-service

    • In a terminal, make sure you are in the spring-cloud-stream-solace-pubsub root folder;
    • Run the commands below to start the application:
      ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects producer-service
  • consumer-service-1

    • It subscribes to all news from Brazil;
    • Open a new terminal and navigate to the spring-cloud-stream-solace-pubsub root folder;
    • Run the commands below to start the application:
      export NEWS_SUBSCRIPTION="ps/news/*/BR/>"
      ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects consumer-service
  • consumer-service-2

    • It subscribes to all news related to HEALTH;
    • Open a new terminal and navigate to the spring-cloud-stream-solace-pubsub root folder;
    • Run the commands below to start the application:
      export SERVER_PORT=9082
      export NEWS_SUBSCRIPTION="ps/news/HEALTH/>"
      ./mvnw spring-boot:run --projects consumer-service

Running Applications as Docker containers

  • Build Docker Images

    • In a terminal, make sure you are inside the spring-cloud-stream-solace-pubsub root folder;
    • Run the following script to build the Docker images:
  • Environment Variables

    • producer-service

      Environment Variable Description
      SOLACE_HOST Specify host of the Solace PubSub+ message broker to use (default localhost)
      SOLACE_PORT Specify port of the Solace PubSub+ message broker to use (default 55556)
    • consumer-service

      Environment Variable Description
      SOLACE_HOST Specify host of the Solace PubSub+ message broker to use (default localhost)
      SOLACE_PORT Specify port of the Solace PubSub+ message broker to use (default 55556)
  • Run Docker Containers

    • producer-service

      Run the following command in a terminal:

      docker run --rm --name producer-service \
        -p 9080:9080 \
        -e SOLACE_HOST=solace -e SOLACE_PORT=55555 \
        --network=spring-cloud-stream-solace-pubsub_default \
    • consumer-service-1

      • It subscribes to all news from Brazil;
      • Open a new terminal and run the following command:
        docker run --rm --name consumer-service-1 \
          -p 9081:9081 \
          -e SOLACE_HOST=solace -e SOLACE_PORT=55555 \
          -e NEWS_SUBSCRIPTION="ps/news/*/BR/>" \
          --network=spring-cloud-stream-solace-pubsub_default \
    • consumer-service-2

      • It subscribes to all news related to HEALTH;
      • Open a new terminal and run the following command:
        docker run --rm --name consumer-service-2 \
          -p 9082:9081 \
          -e SOLACE_HOST=solace -e SOLACE_PORT=55555 \
          -e NEWS_SUBSCRIPTION="ps/news/HEALTH/>" \
          --network=spring-cloud-stream-solace-pubsub_default \

Playing around

In a terminal, submit the following POST requests to producer-service and check its logs and consumer-service logs.

Note: HTTPie is being used in the calls bellow

  • Sending news one by one

    • Just consumer-service-1 should consume

      http :9080/api/news type="SPORT" country="BR" city="SaoPaulo" title="..."
    • Just consumer-service-2 should consume

      http :9080/api/news type="HEALTH" country="PT" city="Porto" title="..."
    • Both consumer-service-1 and consumer-service-2 should NOT consume

      http :9080/api/news type="ECONOMY" country="DE" city="Berlin" title="..."
    • Both consumer-service-1 and consumer-service-2 should consume

      http :9080/api/news type="HEALTH" country="BR" city="Brasilia" title="..."
  • Sending a number of news randomly with a specified delay in seconds

    http :9080/api/news/random number=10 delayInMillis=1000 --stream

Useful Links


  • To stop applications, go to the terminals where they are running and press Ctrl+C;
  • To stop and remove docker-compose containers, network and volumes, go to a terminal and, inside the spring-cloud-stream-solace-pubsub root folder, run the following command:
    docker compose down -v

Running Test Cases

In a terminal, make sure you are inside the spring-cloud-stream-solace-pubsub root folder:

  • producer-service

    ./mvnw clean test --projects producer-service
  • consumer-service

    ./mvnw clean test --projects consumer-service


To remove the Docker images created by this project, go to a terminal and, inside the spring-cloud-stream-solace-pubsub root folder, run the following script:




The default Solace SMF port 55555 is not working, at least in my Mac machine. The problem is explained in this issue. For now, I've changed the mapping port from 55555 to 55556.


The goal of this project is to play with Solace PubSub+. For it, we will implement a producer and consumer of different types of news about many countries and cities.







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