The json can return the following variables:
- pins, an array of pins that will be shown in the map
- url, the url of the page
- coords, the limits of the interestin area in the map
- links, the links from one pin to another
- name, the name of the pin. Required.
- geolat, geolng, the coords of the point. Required.
- location, if the point is a kind of institution. Required.
- image, if an image should be used instead of the pin
- url, the url that is linked with the pin, if the pin is not a child
The limits of the interesting area in the map:
- minlat, minimum latitude
- minlng, minimum longitude
- maxlat, maximum latitude
- maxlng, maximum longitude
fmloc, from location
toloc, to location
fmto, from, to
fmlat, from latitude
fmlng, from longitude
tolat, to latitude
tolng, from logintude
fmcity, from city
tocity, to city
mrtg_tag, tag
mrtg_indexuri, uri
fmnd, from node
tond, to node
mrtg_dayuri, uri to diagram
toif, to interface
fromif, from interface
mrtg_thumb, thumbnail of the diagram(?)
CREATE VIEW `peer_ifces` AS (
`node`.`name` AS `name`,
`b`.`ifDescr` AS `interface`,
`db_members`.`location`.`location_id` AS `grnet_device_location`,
`db_members`.`peer_site`.`site_id` AS `site`,
`db_members`.`peer_site`.`peer_site_location` AS `site_location`,
`td`.`member_id` AS peer
from (
`observium`.`ports_stack` join `observium`.`ports` `a` on (
`a`.`ifIndex` = `observium`.`ports_stack`.`port_id_high`
) and (
`a`.`device_id` = `observium`.`ports_stack`.`device_id`
) join `observium`.`ports` `b` on (
`b`.`ifIndex` = `observium`.`ports_stack`.`port_id_low`
) and (
`b`.`device_id` = `observium`.`ports_stack`.`device_id`
) join `grnetdb`.`tagged_ifce` `ti` on (
`ti`.`ifce_id` = `b`.`port_id`
) join `grnetdb`.`tagged_domain` `td` on (
`ti`.`tagged_domain_id` = `td`.`domain_id`
) join `grnetdb`.`node` on (
`node`.`node_id` = `observium`.`ports_stack`.`device_id`
) left join `db_members`.`location` on (
`db_members`.`location`.`location_id` = `node`.`location_id`
) left join `db_members`.`peer_site` on (
`ti`.`site_id` = `db_members`.`peer_site`.`site_id`
) left join db_members.peer on (
td.member_id = db_members.peer.peer_id
) where (
`b`.`ifDescr` is not null
) and (
`a`.`ifDescr` is not null
) and (
`ti`.`tagged_domain_id` <> 100
) group by `b`.`port_id`