The certbot cookbook manages SSL certificate generation and renewal within projects.
Remove any SSLs which are stored within data bags.
Add the following to the project's Berksfile:
cookbook 'certbot', '~> 0.1.0'
Add the cookbook to the run list:
"run_list": {
Finally create a custom recipe, such as this:
certbot_certonly_webroot 'something' do
webroot_path '/var/www/certbot'
email ''
domains ['', '']
agree_tos true
You will need the cookbook which contains the recipe to depend on it in its metadata.rb to be able to use the resource:
depends 'certbot', '~> 0.1.0'
- Author:: Andy Thompson
- Author:: Felicity Ratcliffe
Copyright:: 2016 The Inviqa Group Ltd
See LICENSE file