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Deprecated - Tool for provisioning and managing complex deployments of AWS EC2, RDS and ELB instances.

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!!! This project has been deprecated. We recommend you fork it or look for an alternative solution. !!!

How do I install it?

sudo gem install maws

What is it for?

MAWS is a tool for provisioning and managing complex deployments of AWS EC2, RDS and ELB instances. It's similar to Chef, but much simpler and for Amazon Web Services.

MAWS does not install services on instances. It uses pre-build AMIs that have different services ready. MAWS uses pre-made AMIs to provision any number of virtual instances. It then connects these instances to each other so they work together as a system.

MAWS aims to make deploying a multi-instance AWS infrastructure similar to deploying code or to deploying a system of services on a single box. "MAWS" doesn't stand for anything.

How do you use it?

To use MAWS you need to install the maws Ruby gem, then create some config files and then run the maws command. It will look for and load the 'maws.yml' file in your working directory. See examples folder how to create MAWS configurations.

Your configs will specify what types of instances you have, how many of each type you would like and how they should be configured so they can see each other.

MAWS is a collection of commands that modify AWS instances. You need to specify the command to run and what instances to apply the command to. The tool will figure out the rest.

MAWS has built in documentation. Use -h option to see available commands and how to use them.

You run MAWS like this:

maws profile-name command-name -s "...instance specification..." [other options]

See below for explanations of profile-name, command-name and 'instance specification'

Some definitions

Instance Name

The AWS account that MAWS uses can have any number of instances running. MAWS only sees some of them. They have to match MAWS style of naming. Maws instance names always look like this:


For example, with profile 'foo-test', role 'searchbox' and 3 search boxes in zone a, MAWS will expect to see these names:


Same name format is used for EC2, RDS and ELB services. Zone suffix is optional since some things might not be bound to a zone (for example, multi-zone RDS).

Profile Name

The name of the application or environment MAWS should work on. MAWS needs this so that a single AWS account can be shared by many applications/environments.

Profile name is the first parameter to maws command. Profile name is used to select the Profile Config (see below) MAWS should use.

If your system is called "foo" you might have profiles like: foo-prod, foo-test, foo-perf.


Each instance has a role. The role determines what Service (EC2, RDS, ELB) is used, what AMI is used if it's EC2.

The role of an instance determined how it will be configured to work with other instances.

Role names are like: app, web, cache, search, service, queue, masterdb, webloadbalancer, etc.


MAWS supports EC2, RDS and ELB services. Some commands also operate on EBS volumes. Each role must have a its service set.


Scope can be either "zone" or "region." ELB and Multi-AZ RDS always have the scope set to "region." EC2 instances (and single zone RDS) always reside in a particular availability zone, but are able to have a "logical" zone that is blank (logically they belong to the region). If they have scope of "region" their name does not contain the zone letter. For example, a control box instance does not need to exist in more than one zone so it would be scoped to "region", while an app server would likely be scoped to zone. We might end up with a list of instances that looks like this (assuming 1 of each instance in zones a and b):


Role Config

Located at roles/roles-set-name.yml. For application Foo this would be: roles/foo.yml. The role configs in foo.yml will be reused by multiple profiles (for example: foo-test, foo-prod, foo-perf).

This YAML file contains a hash. Each key is a name of a role, each value is a role definition. For example:

    service: rds
    instance_class: 'db.m1.small'
    allocated_storage: 6
    master_username: 'dbuser'
    master_password: 'dbpass'
    parameter_group: 'foo-db'
    service: ec2
    image_name: 'foo-app-ami-name'
    instance_type: 't1.micro'
        - default
    user_data: 'FOOAPPDATA'

Besides defining roles, role config file has several keys that apply to all roles. For example 'settings' key for global settings and 'aliases' key to store YAML aliases.

Profile Config

Located at roles/profile-name.yml. For example, test environment for application Foo would be stored at profiles/foo-test.yml.

Profile config has the format as roles config: a key for each role name and a value for the definition. MAWS will merge profile and role configs into a single definition.

With above role config for 'app' and profile config 'profiles/foo-test.yml' for 'app':

    count: 5
        - test

The final merge config for role 'app' MAWS will use will be:

    count: 5
    service: ec2
    image_name: 'foo-app-ami-name'
    instance_type: 't1.micro'
        - default
        - test
    user_data: 'FOOAPPDATA'

Profile config also needs to specify what roles config will be used and optionally the name of the security rules file (see below)

roles: foo
security_rules: foosec

rule: foo bit will make MAWS load and merge roles/foo.yml when profile foo-test is specified on the command line.

Instance Specification

To use MAWS commands you have to specify what instances to operate on. The specification is limited to the selected profile name and the role names specified in the configs. Beyond these constrains any number of instances can be specified on the command line with -s option, like this:

maws profile-name command-name -s "...instance specification..." [other options]

Instance specification is a string that describes what instances to operate on. These do not have to be instances that already exist. These can be instances that we want to exist.

Assuming profile and roles configs define the following roles: 'web' and 'app' each having a count of 5 and scoped to zones, the following specification would work:

  • "a app web b c " -- selects all 5 of each web and app in zones 'a', 'b' and 'c' (order doesn't matter)
  • "app" -- selects all 5 of app in all zones
  • "b web-4" -- select 4th 'web' in zone b
  • "app-3-5 c" -- selects 'app' instances 3, 4 and 5 in zone c only
  • "web-1-10" -- select 'web' instances 1-10 in all zones
  • "" -- select all 5 of 'app' and 'web' on all zones.
  • "a app-*" -- select all apps in zone a that start at index 1 and end at the largest index for an alive, running 'app' instance on zone 'a' in AWS. If there are no alive 'app' instances on AWS, use 5 (count from profile) for highest index for 'app'. For example, if zone a is running foo-test-app-2a and foo-test-app-7a this specification will select 'app' 1-7 on zone a.
  • "*" - select all 'app' and all 'web' in all zones starting at index 1 and ending with highest alive index or 5 (whichever is higher)


Instance names can have a prefix. The default prefix is "" (blank), but any prefix can be specified with -p option.

Specification -s "a b app-2" (in profile foo-test) would select foo-test-app-2a and foo-test-app-2b

With prefix "backup": -s "a b app-2" -p "backup" (in profile foo-test) would select and

Prefixes can be used for deployment backups and other tricks. set-prefix command is used to add and remove prefixes.

Role Configurations/Templates

MAWS needs to configure instances it creates to work together as a single system. It does this by generating config files from templates and uploading them to instances over SSH. For example, to configure Apache on 'web' instances to proxy to your application code on 'app' instances MAWS needs to generate and upload httpd.conf to web instances.

This is how MAWS knows that 'web' instances need to receive a 'httpd-vhosts.conf' file that connects them to 'app' instances.

            name: vhosts
            template: 'httpd-vhosts.conf'
            location: '/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd-vhosts.conf'
            copy_as_user: 'root'
                balancer: self
                        role: app
                        from: zone
                        chunk_size: 2

MAWS will look for templates/httpd-vhosts.conf.erb, it will process the template and insert 'app' instance host information into the template. It will upload the generated httpd-vhosts.conf file to /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd-vhosts.conf on each 'web' instance.

Here's what the template httpd-vhosts.conf.erb looks like:

# The app servers below will be get requests from this web server <%= %
# AKA <%= balancer.aws_id %    or <%= balancer.ip_address %    or <%= balancer.private_ip_address %
<Proxy balancer://app_cluster
<% balancer_members.each do |member| %
 # <%= %
  BalancerMember http://<%= member.private_ip_address %    :8080
<% end %

Besides uploading templated configuration, MAWS can also run remote configuration commands via SSH on remote instances. The available commands are specified like this:

        name: killunicorns
        command: 'su - foouser -c "cd /foo/site; if [ -e tmp/pids/ ]; then <tmp/pids/ xargs kill; fi"'

Apply these configurations using configure command. For example, to kill unicorns on all 'app' in zone b:

maws foo-test configure -s "b app" -c killunicorns

Template Parameters

In the above template configuration balancer and balancer_members are provided to the template using the template_params settings in the roles configuration file.

Each key for template_params is of param. The value for the key selects what instance(s) to assign to that name. In that example balancer: self will assign the current 'web' instance being configured.

balancer_member is a select_many parameter. select_many will pick a number of some alive, running instances matching the role. chunk_size decides how many 'app' instances will be selected. Without chunk_size, MAWS will select all 'app' instances. With chunk_size each 'web' instance will get 2 'app' instances. These 'app' instances will be assigned in round robin way (assuming 2 'web' and 3 'app'): web1 will get app1 and app2; web2 will get app3 and app1.

Other options are:

  • select_one: app will pick one 'app' for each 'web' in round-robin order.
  • select_many: app will pick all 'app' for each web.

select_one returns a single instance, while select_many returns an array.

Security Rules

Profile and role configs can specify security_group for any role. In addition to that, you can optionally use a security rules file to create AWS security groups on dynamically for your profiles using set-security-rules command. These dynamic security groups will be automatically assigned when MAWS creates new instances.

If your profile config contains security_rules: foosec MAWS will load and use security_rules/foosec.yml.

This is an example of this security rules:

        cidr: ''
        role: app

        role: web
        port: 8080
        protocol: tcp
        cidr: ['', '']
        port_from: 10000
        port_to: 10100
        protocol: udp

        group: 'amazon-elb/sg-843f59ed'
        port: 80
        protocol: tcp

Incoming firewall rules can be specified either as a AWS security group, a CIDR or a MAWS role. rds_default will be assigned to all RDS instances, while ec2_default will be assigned to all EC2 instances.

The above configuration will generate and create/update the following security groups (when MAWS set-security-groups is run for profile foo-test):

  • rds_default
  • foo-test-app
  • foo-test-web


Deprecated - Tool for provisioning and managing complex deployments of AWS EC2, RDS and ELB instances.






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