Playing with Numbers using Python has unlimited possibilities and a few of them have been put up here :
- Printing Prime Numbers in the specified Range
- Determining wether the number that the User has entered is a Prime Number or Not
- Generating Random Numbers between Specified Range
- Printing Fibonacci Sequence
- Finding Factorial of a Number
- Determining wether the number that the User has entered is an Armstrong Number or Not
- Performing Prime Factorization of a Number
- Finding HCF/GCD of Multiple Numbers
- Finding Roots of a Quadratic Equation (Displays Non-Real Roots as Well)
- Finding LCM of Multiple Numbers
- Identifying whether the year entered by the user is a Leap Year or not.
- Finding the Largest and the Smallest Number from all the numbers provided by the user (Without using any pre-built Modules)
- Determining wether the number that the User has entered is a Disarium Number or Not
- Printing Disarium Numbers in the specified Range
- Multiplication of Matrices (Without using any pre-built Modules)
- Finding all possible numbers that can be formed with the digits of a provided number
- Finding Compund Interest for the given values of Principal, Rate of Interest and Time (in years)
- Karatsuba's algorithm for multiplication of two integers (Divide and Conquer Approach - Recurssion)