This is a MariaDB Operator, which makes management of MariaDB instances (or clusters) running inside Kuberenetes clusters easy. It was built with the Operator SDK using Ansible.
The aim of this project is help to close this issue.
Creating the operator:
operator-sdk init --plugins=ansible --domain operator
operator-sdk create api --group mariadb --version v1 --kind MariaDB --generate-role
To connect to the mariadb Database run:
POD=`kubectl get pods -n mariadb-operator -l app=mariadb | grep Running | grep 1/1 | awk '{print $1}'`
kubectl exec -n mariadb-operator -it $POD -- mysql -uroot -ppassword
Build the operator
make docker-build docker-push IMG=imjoseangel/mariadb-operator:v1.0.0
Deploy de operator
make install
make deploy IMG=imjoseangel/mariadb-operator:v1.0.0
Verify status:
kubectl get deployment -n mariadb-operator-system
mariadb-operator-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 8s
View the Ansible Logs:
kubectl logs deployment/mariadb-operator-controller-manager -n mariadb-operator-system manager -f
Deploy MariaDB
kubectl apply -f config/samples/mariadb_v1_mariadb.yaml