A deep learning toolset, free & easy & graphical.
Backup by pyside6, pytorch and yolov5.
For Example, create an env named pytorch, which includes python==3.12.4.
Then, intsall pytorch, if computer could run on CUDA.
activate pytorch
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu124
Thanks to ultralytics, everyone could learn and use AI with their project. Please Check:
Please confirm that the file structure matches:
├─ Environment.txt
├─ feelink.exe
├─ Model.txt
├─ yolov5
└─ Pretrained_Models
├─ Detection
└─ Classification
Download FeeLink, including feelink.exe and _internal.
Open feelink.exe, click Initial button in the menu bar on first launch, then enjoy it!