This repository have the implementation of a string reconstructor using Bruijn graphs and eulerian path. This problem is very important in bioinformatics, because it is used to reconstruct the DNA sequence from a set of k-mers.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.
To run the program, you need to have python installed in your machine. After that, you can run the
file using the following command:
When you run the program, you will be asked to enter the input file name with the k-mers. The k-mers must be in a .txt
file, where have only one line with the k-mers separated by a comma. Then, the program will ask you to enter the output file name where the reconstructed string will be saved. After that, the program will save the reconstructed string.
You can use the file kmers.txt
in test folder to test the program.
This implementation creates a Bruijn graph from the k-mers and then finds the eulerian path in the graph. The eulerian path show how to reconstructed string.
When the program reads the k-mers, it creates the Brujin graph as a incidence list. It creates a dictionary where the key is the prefix of the k-mer and the value is a list with the suffixes of the k-mer. After that, the program finds the eulerian path using Hierholzer's algorithm. With the eulerian path, the program reconstructs the string.