Abdominal CT Axial based left kidney, right kidney segmentaion Unet model.
This is my first computer vision deep learning project.
Please let me know if you find my mistake!
Also, if you want to advise me, please contact me.
contact : hyunji0483@knu.ac.kr
https://kits-challenge.org/kits23/ |
git clone https://github.com/neheller/kits23
cd kits23
pip3 install -e .
Data Download
Original Class : background(0), kidney(1), tumor(2), cyst(3) changed to background(0), left kidney(1), right kidney(2)
Exp 1. optimizer = Adam / lr = 0.0001 / loss function = Dice Loss / Batch Size =16 / Epoch = 100
Exp 2. optimizer = Adam / lr = 0.0001 / loss function = Dice CE Loss / Batch Size =16 / Epoch = 100
Exp 3. optimizer = AdamW / lr = 0.0001 / loss function = Dice Loss / Batch Size =16 / Epoch = 100
Exp 4. optimizer = AdamW / lr = 0.0001 / loss function = Dice CE Loss / Batch Size =16 / Epoch = 100
All Experiments ignore background in calculating loss.