This application allows dog owners and dog walkers to schedule walks for their dogs. Dog owners can add or delete dogs and use or cancel appointments. Dog Walkers can add or delete time slots.
The following dependencies need to be installed
npm i passport, express, mysql2, dotenv, passport-local, passport-startegy
Additionally, must run on chrome, with file structure as follows: root config middleware isAuthenticated.js config.js passport.js models .eslintignore appt.js dog.js dogactor.js index.js public js home.js login.js members.js signup.js stylesheets style.css home.html login.html members.html scheduler.html signup.html routes api-routes.js html-routes.js server.js
Getting your dog walked should be easy. Dog owners and dog walkers will find this application a convenient way to schedule excercise for their dog
This application was built by Anthony Colindres Gary Llil Robert Moel Asghar Sheikh
Postman to verify and validate routes
Please contact any of the contributors