How I'm writing TODOs in my coding projects.
- "TODO" as first word, optional expressions follow
- Expression : one of multiple tags and/or verbal description follows (optional, actually)
- separation of multiple expressions with "+"
finally: option??
: doubt
- Tag: one word in ALL-CAPS, category of the todo
- multiple tags in a row: precision, subcategory of the todo
- Description: anything else, although nothing holds you back from using ALL-CAPS too
<todo> = "TODO" [<expression> {" +" <expression>}]
<expression> = (<tag> | <description> | <tag> <description>)
<tag> = {" " <capital_word>}["?" ["?"]]
<description> = {" " <mixed_word>}
<capital_word> = {<capital_letter>}
<mixed_word> = <non_capital_chacter> {<capital_letter> | <non_capital_character>}
| <capital_letter> <mixed_word>
<capital_letter> = "A" | "B" | ... | "Z"
<non_capital_character> = "a" | ... | "z" | 1 | ... | 9 | "-" | "_" | "." | ...
Tag | Meaning |
CONSIDER | think about keeping this code |
DEBUG | debug this part |
FINAL | do this when you're done with the rest |
FINISH | complete a part that you started |
MEMORY | fix memory management here |
MOVE | move this code to another place or file |
NOTE | temporary notes in the code |
NOW | resume here on the next session |
PLAN | description of the structure of the code you're about to write |
TEST | this code is for testing/debugging, remove later |
VALUE | fine tune the value of this variable |
// TODO this doesn't make sense
// TODO CONSIDER using recursion over a loop
// TODO NOW DEBUG wrong value of foo
debug the algorithm
write another one
fix the new bug there
consider farming