1. NodeJS v8.11.1
2. npm v5.6.0
The below libraries are used
1. React
2. React-dom
3. react-tap-event-plugin
4. Material-UI
5. Webpack
6. Babel
7. ES6
8. Bootstrap
9. Jest
10. Enzyme
11. Redux
12. Axios
13. ImmutableJS
To run the app locally:
Goto >> git clone
>> npm install
Run below command to verify eslint errors
>> npm run lint
Run below command to verify test cases
>> npm test
Before you start the application, you need to add the hostname and port of yieldlab adslots backend API in the below location
Goto >> src > config.js and override apiBaseUrl
Run below command to start the app
>> npm start
By default the UI will be running on http://localhost:8080