CS-261 Data Structures and Algorithms course taught at UET Lahore, Pakistan. The repo is created for the course lab tasks.# Data-Structures-and-Algorithms CS-261 Data Structures and Algorithms course taught at UET Lahore, Pakistan. The repo is created for the course lab tasks.
Introduction Relation of algorithm with Data Structures Multiplication of numbers Multiplication Problem with Iterative and Recusrive Algorithm Karatsuba Integer Multiplication
More on Asymptotic Analysis Insertion Sort Merge Sort
Substitution Method Master Theorem Tree Method
Select Algorithm (Kth Smallest and Kth Laegest Element) Quick Sort Difference From Merge Sort
Sorting Lower Bounds and O(n) Sorting Radix Sort Counting Sort
Linear Linked List as ADT Binary Search Tree using Array Binary Search Tree using linked list
AVL Trees RB Tree using Linked List
Project Week
Hashing Hash Functions Hash Tables
Pointers Pointers Arithmetic Memory Management Linked List Design using Pointers
Stack Queues
Graph Basics Graphs Representation Graph Types Basic Graphs Algorithsm
DFS BFS Strongly Connected Components Topological Order
Minimum Spanning Tree
Shortest Path Algorithms