Telegram Bot that sends energy prices according to the PVPC webpage. Updates are sent at 20:30 of the day before with the prices per hour in the form of a barchart.
Subscribe at:
Current version of the app is deployed in a Raspberry pi 4 and orchestrated via Node Red:
This package makes use of a Telegram bot as handler for the standard logging library. In order to use this you will need to carry out some configurations outside the scope of this repository.
The process is very well documented online. I found this link ( very easy to follow.
- Copy the Bot's token in tokens.json under the 'bot_token' object.
- Copy the Chat's token in tokens.json under the 'chats_token' list. More than a single chat can be used seamlessly
Note: It was found required to have sent at least one message to the group/channel in order to fetch the id from 2)
This section of the project is actually forked from with some fixes that I found required for my setup.
Clone my forked repo at least until PR is accepted
Two scrappers are implemented and configurable by manually replacing which implementation is used in controllers/ (scrapper argument to PVPC class). In previous versions the web Tarifa Luz Hora was used since it does not require any auth. Latest update in the Bot involve a migration to the official ESIOS REE API ( which requires a personal access token provided by them (email to If choosing to use the ESIOS version, then provide esios_ree_token in the request to /telegram/ (add it to tokens.json)
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
python3 -u pvpcservice/
bash deploy.exe
If required, start fresh restarting Docker desktop and running
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) -f
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q) -f
Then access http://localhost:8080/ui
to use the endpoints.
Paste tokens.json contents as payload\v2\prices\
Will return a NGSI-v2 object describing prices for today
1) Pending to add color to graph.
2) Pending to decide how to make the code run automatically every midnight --> Node-red microservice
Fully integrate NGSI-v2 format
Parametrize the date for which prices are returned
5) Migrate to a to access to data at 20:30 of the day before
- Integrate with FIWARE QuantumLeap and plot prices in Grafana