WPS script for GeoServer for CGDD/SDES
Version 1.1.0
This GeoServer WPS was create for a project with CGDD/SDES It get a geojson as input, get all layers (filter by a config file) who intersect geojson feature and return here organisme key
- Copy/Paste the addamn_wps-2.18.jar in geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/ directory.
- Create folder <GeoServer/data_dir>/wps_addamn
- Create file <GeoServer/data_dir>/wps_addamn/config.xml
- In <GeoServer/data_dir>/wps_addamn/config.xml, add layers list and organisme column name (show Config file structure chapter)
- restart GeoServer
If the config.xml was not found by the script when you call it, an empty config.xml will be create with a example structure
The file config.xml is mandatory for this WPS and allow to set the list of layers which will be used for intersections.
In this file, each layer have a layerName and organismeColumn.
Exemple :
So, if you call this script with a GeoJson which 2 Features, this script read each geojson Feature, read each layers in config file, and get all Feature with valid intersection (org.geotools.coverage.util.IntersectUtils.intersects); create a new property to the geojson Feature with name as the layername and value as an array ; and finaly add to this array all the organismeColumn who layer feature intersect.
based on https://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/developer/programming-guide/ows-services/implementing.html
- Clone the geoserver project from github.
- In src\community, clone this project
- in community/pom.xml, add the profile for this WPS :
- in web/app/pom.xml, add the dependency :
- in web/app, launch
mvn install
(be patient) - in web/app, launch
mvn -P wps,addamn_wps eclipse:eclipse
- Setup GeoServer in eclipse as describe here
- Start Start.java in gs-web-app
- Stop Geoserver
- Refresh project gs-web-app (right clik/refresh)
- Start Geoserver
There is some todo in code and need to implement unittest