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Moving a project built using GeNN v2.1 to v2.2

Esin Yavuz edited this page Jun 24, 2016 · 1 revision

In v2.2 we introduced some new ways of doing things for keeping things simple and flexible. We discontinued some methods that could be done using neuron/synapse variables and parameters since the introduction of flexible building blocks in v2.0. I will go through the errors that I have encountered moving my project, by explaining the reason and how to fix them.

Before starting moving your project, please consider visiting the release notes.

#Errors encountered after upgrading to GeNN v2.2 and how to fix them

  • First you would notice that some includes won't work. Make sure you include only .h files and "yourmodel_CODE/definitions.h" instead of "yourmodel_CODE/".

  • If you are using explicit current injection method, you will see an error like the following:

error: identifier "INPRULE" is undefined

This is because explicit input is not supported anymore, as it can also be modelled as a neuron parameter (for a fixed value) or a variable (dynamic value, or different for every neuron in a population). Check how this can be done in the example project Izhikevich 2003.

  • Next thing is to change the calls to as in your code and change the argument list accordingly (check the new argument list here: still exists and calls the new script but it is deprecated and be removed in the next release, so it is better to use the latest version.

In my code I had to change it as following :

Old code:

 cmd = "cd model && " + modelName + " " + toString(dbgMode);
   cmd += " && make clean && make";
  if (dbgMode == 1) {
    cmd += " debug";
   else {
     cmd += " release";

New code:

  cmd = "cd model && ./" + modelName + ".cc" ;
  cmd += " && make clean && make";
  if (dbgMode == 1) {
    cmd += " -d";
   else {
     cmd += " release";
  • Next errors that I encountered are related to additional arguments to stepTimeGPU() (and to stepTimeCPU()). These functions used to take time and possible other variables as argument.

mymodel_CODE/ error: variable "t" has already been defined

t is now an internal variable and it is defined in The lines that defined in the user code should be removed. error: no instance of overloaded function "stepTimeGPU" matches the argument list argument types are: (double *, double) Function call should be stepTimeGPU(), with no arguments.

After fixing these, my model now runs as expected on the v2.2 release candidate.

Feel free to share your experience and/or ask questions.

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