EduWonder is a collaborative learning platform that allows teachers and students to share and explore references and educational materials.
EduWonder allows it's users to create communities/groups to share information, ask questions, upload and share documents and files. This is a basic open-source structure that allows anyone to add in new features according to their needs.
This project was created as an entry for the Mozilla Hello Web Hackathon 3.0 @Mozilla Bhubaneswar and had made it to the final round.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
EduWonder requires Python (Python 2.7) .
$ git clone
Download and extract the Zip-File
Setting up a virtual environment would be better for both development and normal execution purposes.
$ cd EduWonder
$ python -m virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
or (Windows machine)
$ .\env\Scripts\activate
The Project has a few dependencies which can be installed by running.
$ pip install -r dependencies.txt
This project uses a mysql database, the database can be changed in the '.flaskenv' file under the 'DATABASE_URL'.
To initialize the database run
$ flask db init
To run the database migrations use
$ flask db migrate
$ flask db upgrade
To start the Flask server run
$ flask run
A Flask development server will be initialized at
- Flask : For the backend server.
- Flask-SQLAlchemy : For integrating the database.
- Flask-Migrate : For database migrations.
- Flask-Login : For handling user login.
- python-dotenv : For setting up environment variables.
- Soumya Ghosh Dastidar (Backend)
- Suchismita Banerjee (Front-end)
- Disha Kar (Front-end)
Any contribution/suggestions are welcomed.