Reads from SDR dongle, maps ID to mosquitto topic and publishes
7 July 2018 written by Gerald Swann
This program reads from an SDR dongle using the excellent rtl_433 program and publishes the data using mosquitto_pub
Unlike the earlier bash script I used, this does not require jq to be installed on the system. Uses instead the python JSON decoder
The sensors often transmit their data 3 or 4 times per minute. Using, you would see all the lines in your MQTT data. This program removes the duplicate lines
Copy this python script to your rtl_433 folder
To see only the MQTT data from this program on your Home Assistant system, try this command:
mosquitto_sub -v -t 'rtl_433/#'
Now, don't publish every code that comes across. At every 30 seconds, they are too frequent. The program variable "between_time" sets minimum time between packets
New python program is
List of transmitters is separated into