This is the cloudflare service worker version of the original. To view the gateway version of this bot, please click here.
To add this bot to your server, click here. This is now guaranteed an uptime of 24/7 until I ran out of cloudflare resources.
Highly consider this project a love child or bastard of Annie.
Sure. Feel free. If you want to check the changes for your pull requests, you can invite the development version of the bot by clicking here.
For commands, they are automatically registered whenever a PR push is made, make sure to add your discord server id in register-dev.ts file.
Go ahead. Feel free to clone or fork this repo and setup the necessary environmental variables. It should work as long as you signup for a PlanetScale database and an UpStash redis server.
Edit the wrangler.toml file to suit your needs. You can skip providing an UpStash redis server credentials, and use Cloudflare KV instead.
Basura literally means trash.
Trash includes isekai bullshit, power leveling xianxia, wuxia, otome politics, and any that heightens your level of idiotness.
It is purely based off what Annie can do (description also from Annie):
- Look up any anime/manga media from AniList via a search query.
- Display scores of users within each Discord server for the searched media.
- Search for users on AniList and display their stats and weab tendencies (did I forget to mention this is again, based on Annie?)
- Display media rankings based on season, season year, and format.
We are using interaction commands. Hit your slash (/) key on the discord server this bot is on and it will tell you everything you need to know. Interaction commands in my opinion, should mitigate the necessary need for a help command.
- Implement more ideas that Annie may come up (yes this is shamelessly a high priority, I highly respect the author for the incredible ideas)
- Whatever my Discord server requests me to do that is weab related
Dear lord, of all things, the most toxic community I have ever went into. I can probably do this, once they have their APIv2 sorted out.