Experimental Zig torrent library and client example program.
Requires the lastest (HEAD) zig version.
$ git pull --recurse-submodules https://github.com/gaultier/zorrent.git
# Requires libcurl
$ zig build
$ ./zig-cache/bin/zorrent zig-bencode/input/OpenBSD_6.6_alpha_install66.iso-2019-10-16-1254.torrent
OpenBSD_6.6_alpha_install66.iso [1043/1043 260.70MiB/260.70MiB] 100.00%
# Run all tests
$ zig build test
- BEP-0003:
- Download one file
- Smart piece request based on the bitfield/have peer messages
- Check pieces SHA1 hashes
- Re-fetch piece if hash fails
- Request pipelining
- Support torrent with multiple files
- Upload files (serve)
- Save want state to continue downloading a file after a restart
- Check hashes in parallel
- Get peers from trackers in parallel
- Pick up new peers while downloading from other peers
- Notify tracker of events
- Retry connecting to peers when disconnected
- Multi-tracker (BEP-0012)
- Compact peer list from tracker (BEP-0023)
- Better download algorithm: get rarest pieces first
- Fast extension (BEP-0006)
- Extension messages
- Local Service Discovery (BEP-0014)