Flux v2 configuration for ADP cluster core components amd services
This repository contains the Flux configuration for the ADP cluster core components and services. The repository is structured to support multiple environments (snd, dev, tst, pre, prd) and multiple clusters per environment. The repository is structured as follows:
- Flux configuration for the Flux System (controllers etc) per environmentinfra
- Flux configuration for the core services e.g. Nginx Plus per environmentcore
- Contains the manifests for the core service (HelmRelease, HelmRepository)services
- Contains a GitRepository and Kustomization per environment that points to a path in the adp-flux-services repostory.
├── clusters
│ ├── snd
│ │ └── 01/02
│ |── dev
│ | └── 01/02
│ |── tst
│ └── 01/02
├── infra
│ ├── snd
│ │ ├── base
│ │ └── 01/02
│ |── dev
│ | ├── base
│ | └── 01/02
│ └── tst
│ ├── base
│ └── 01/02
├── core
| ├── app-config-service
| ├── azure-service-operator
| ├── calico
| ├── cert-manager
| ├── grafana
| ├── nginx-ingress
├── services
├── base
├── snd
| ├── 01
├── dev
| ├── 01
├── tst
| ├── 01
├── pre
| ├── 01
├── prd
| ├── 01