Prototyping something and need realistic user generated content? Redmin is a really simple wrapper for accessing the main parts of Reddit which don't require authentication or an API token. For now, only the most basic parts of comments and posts are modelled but more will be added in the future.
You can choose how granular to get with what's sent and received. For example, to pull down 50 posts from the r/gifs
subreddit, you can use a convenience defined in Conveniences.swift
50.postsFromSubreddit("gifs") { posts in
// do something with your posts
Or, if you want more control over when to make the request, or want it to be cancellable:
let endpoint = PostsEndpoint(subreddit: "gifs", category: .top, limit: 50)
let task: URLSessionDataTask = endpoint.request { posts in
// do something with your posts
objects can be used to get images and comments. For example, given a post
post.bestPreviewImage.request { image in
// send image (UIImage) to an UIImageView
50.comments(from: post) { comments in
// populate a tableView with an array of comment objects
For requests or suggestions, you can find me at @_gabrieloc.