A tool to manage PO files in javascript application.
npm install --save-dev gettext-js
The package contains two files:
tasks.js : contains gulp tasks to manage PO files
translation.js : contains class with methods to translate strings (using
Import the file in your gulpfile.js:
import TranslationTasks from 'gettext-js/lib/build/tasks';
Initialize the translation tasks class defining these parameters:
const gettextJsTasks = new TranslationTasks(gulp, sourceJs, localeMainFile, sourceLocale, destLocale);
* @param {Object} gulp - A gulp instance reference
* @param {String} sourceJs - Path to Javascript files containing gettext keywords (ex: 'src/js/*.js')
* @param {String} localeMainFile - Path to main POT file (ex: 'locale/template.pot')
* @param {String} sourceLocale - Path to PO files containing translations (ex: 'locale/*.po')
* @param {String} destLocale - Path to JSON files to use in the application (ex: 'src/locale')
Load tasks:
Now in your gulpfile are present two tasks:
- gtx:locale-update : updates POT file (this.localeMainFile) with new keys. It parses source javascript files (this.sourceJs) looking for the key 'gettext'
- gtx:locale-build : converts PO files to JSON using Jed 1.x syntax
Import Translation class and JSON files containing your translations:
import Translation from 'gettext-js/lib/js/translation';
import it from '../locale/it';
import en from '../locale/en';
Initialize translation class and set language:
var translation = new Translation({it: it, en: en});
translation.language = 'it';
Now your gettext function can translate strings in your selected language.
This class can be used to translate keys using browserify. To achieve this, you have change to change your browserify bundle in this way:
function getBrowserify(files) {
var b = browserify({
entries: files
// include language catalogs
var catalogs = glob.sync('your_local_path_to_JSON_files', {realpath: true});
for (const catalog of catalogs) {
var content = require(catalog);
b = b.require(catalog, {expose: `__locale_${content.locale_data.messages[''].lang}`});
// make json files readble to browserify
b = b.transform(partialify);
return b;