The Fission UI Kit,
designed to be used with Tailwind CSS.
npm install @fission-codes/kit
npm install tailwindcss
- Copy the font files.
npx copy-fission-fonts ./vendor/fonts/ --woff2
- Copt the images.
npx copy-fission-images ./vendor/images/
We need to configure Tailwind CSS to use the Fission colors, fonts and other things.
import plugin from "tailwindcss/plugin"
import * as kit from "@fission-codes/kit"
// or kit = require("@fission-codes/kit")
export default {
purge: [
theme: {
colors: kit.dasherizeObjectKeys(kit.colors),
fontFamily: kit.fonts,
extend: {
fontSize: kit.fontSizes
plugins: [
plugin(function({ addBase }) {
// this `fontsPath` will be the relative path
// to the fonts from the generated stylesheet
kit.fontFaces({ fontsPath: "/fonts/" }).forEach(fontFace => {
addBase({ "@font-face": fontFace })
See the guide
for an example configuration, and how to use the Elm library.
npm install @fission-codes/kit
import { SignInButton } from "@fission-codes/kit/components/react"
className="bg-base-900 text-base-50 dark:bg-base-100 dark:text-base-900"
onClick={() => webnative.redirectToLobby(PERMISSIONS)}
elm install fission-codes/kit
import Kit.Components
Kit.Components.signIn [ class "bg-purple text-white text-opacity-90" ]