some tools for Freifunk Gluon to enhance ssh logins with many infos and some miniscripts and maintainance, for example
alfredcheck autoupdater-status clientwifi fastd-status geoguess_legacy hop_penalty location meshwifi MoW nodename sshkeys uplinkif
alt branch contact geoguess help lat lon MoL nodeinfo snping status v4up
supersimple example of php for geoguess (because small freifunk router cannot connect to https ... so you have to be tricky)
function IsValid($mac)
return (preg_match('/([a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:|\-]?){6}$/', $mac) == 1);
# validate and append all macs
foreach($_GET as $mac=>$val)
{ if(IsValid($val)) { $full .= "{\\\"macAddress\\\": \\\"$val\\\"}," ; } };
# remove last ","
$full = rtrim($full, ",");
# substr($full,0,-1);
system("wget -qO- \"\" --post-data=\"{ \\\"wifiAccessPoints\\\": [$full],\\\"considerIp\\\": \\\"false\\\"}\" ");