- you will have 3 vip level in VIP class . gold ,silver,bronz.
- if you are vip client , when you add_deposit for gold 0.03 silver 0.02 and bronz 0.01 get more money each transaction.
- You can not create VIP client like vclient=VipClient('omer','uygur','1000') etc.Vip client requirement this :
- if premium client collect more than 1000 loyalty point in total then that client will be Vip Client. (hint : You will create vip client inside of premiumclient method using premium client attributes.)
- One you create Vip client using premium client attributes you can use this function for clean premium client object or attributes :
def _del_(self):
self.name = None
self.surname = None
self.balance = None
self.gender = None
self.account_number = None
self.children_number = None
self.loyalty_point = None
- Lastly you should able to send money from vip client to normal client(VIP client and premium client are still part of client class)