Nawito1906 is a free Cuban chess engine derived from Danasah5.07 compatible with the protocol
Winboard. To get the most out of it, it should be used under a GUI (graphical user interface)
like Sand (Linux / Windows), Winboard (Windows), Pychess (Linux / Windows), SCID (Linux / Windows).
Its author, Ernesto Torres, has been based on the search function of the Danasah engine and inspired in
other engines like TSCP, CPW, Rebel, etc. T
o develop your own ideas and give it a particular style.
It is written in C and CodeBlocks are used with GNU GCC, for its compilation, both for Windows
as for Linux.
This engine uses its own scheme of opening books, experimenting with the metaheuristics Ant Colony
Algorithm for your learning. It is very likely that this scheme will undergo changes in the future while
it is perfected.
Please report any ideas, suggestions or errors about the engine.