Development instructions are written mainly for macOS but are applicable to other environments as well.
Clone Termed API and Termed UI to your workstation:
Follow the instructions in above-mentioned repos to start Termed.
Install Oracle JDK 8 (if not already installed). You can download it on Oracle's website. Application should work with other JDK implementation (e.g. OpenJDK) but it has not been tested.
Install Maven 3.3 or newer (if not already installed): brew install maven
Configure server properties:
<nano/vim/emacs> server/src/main/resources/config/
Enter the correct values for the following properties:
- termed.apiUrl=http://localhost:8080/api
- termed.username=<termed-username-for-api-calls>
- termed.password=<termed-password-for-api-calls>
- termed.editorGraphId=<termed-dtkk-editor-graph-uuid>
- termed.publicGraphId=<termed-dtkk-public-graph-uuid>
- termed.commonGraphId=<termed-dtkk-common-graph-uuid>
- server.port=8680
- sso.url=<THL SSO api url>
- sso.application=aineistoeditori<-qa>
- sso.secretKey=<secret key, obtainable from THL SSO admin user interface>
Save the file and exit the editor.
Add users to user properties file you configured above. See
for example. Note 1: The application
will start without any configured users but credentials are required if you
want to access the editor. Note 2: Users file must be UTF-8 encoded.
Run dev server:
cd server
mvn spring-boot:run -Dskip.npm=true
Omit the -Dskip.npm=true
on first start so that Node and npm packages get
installed by frontend-maven-plugin.
You can test that the API works by accessing it via
Note. API module must be started before starting UI module.
Install NodeJS (if not already installed): brew install node
Install Angular CLI (if not already installed): npm install -g @angular/cli
Run dev server:
cd client
npm start
UI can be accessed via http://localhost:8082/
. Changes to source files will
cause an automatic reload in your browser.
Editor has a built-in feature that allows users to login with Virtu identity and authorization service.
First, you must register your (test) environment as a service provider (SP) by following Virtu SP registration instructions. The rest of the steps assume you have completed the registration and are somewhat familiar with concepts SAML2 protocol that Virtu is based on.
To use Virtu in editor enable Spring profile named virtu
. You can do it
via by adding line
you can specify the profile as command line argument when starting Tomcat with
Next, define required Virtu properties in your file. Properties with examples are listed below:
# Entity ID that you used register service to Virtu resource register.
# Service's base URL.
# Java keystore (JKS) that includes SP certificate (and its private key) and Virtu metadata certificate.
# Keystore's password.
# Alias of SP certificate.
# Password of SP certificate's private key.
# URL where Virtu metadata can be loaded.
# Alias of Virtu metadata signing certificate in keystore.
# Virtu discovery service URL (address where IdP selection is done).
After this you should be able to start the application and login with Virtu.
Note that the service URL must match the URL registered to Virtu. If you want
to run the service locally on your developer machine you can edit your hosts
file to point the service URL (e.g.
) to your local
To import SP certificate and it's private key you must first convert them to PKCS12 format that JDK's keytool supports:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in -inkey -out -name
Conversion will ask for a password. You can enter anything here since the password is only used during the next step. Now you can import the certificate and private key into a JKS file.
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass <sourcekeystorepassword> -destkeystore thldtkk-saml.jks -deststorepass somepassword -destkeypass someotherpassword -alias
In above command parameter -deststorepass
corresponds to property virtu.samlKeystorePassword
and -destkeypass
to virtu.spCertificatePassword
When importing Virtu metadata signing certificate the process is more simple:
keytool -importcert -noprompt -file virtu-metadata-signing-crt-2017.pem -keystore thldtkk-saml.jks -storepass somepassword -alias virtu-metadata-signing-crt-2017
Afterwards you can verify contents of the keystore by running:
keytool -list -keystore thldtkk-saml.jks -storepass somepassword