This is the repository for the work done as part of a Masters in Physics project done by Enrico Zammit Lonardelli and Krishan Jethwa throughout 2019-2020. For a pdf report check the Reports/Sem_2_Report folder.
- Download VS Code
- Download the ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers extension
- From the extension tab (or by shift+cmd P) click
Open folder in container
- Find the GAN4DS repistory folder
- Wait for everything to laod and you can start developing
- Ssh with -L 16006:localhost:6006 in the gpu machine
mkdir /hepgpu<X>-data<Y>/<your-username>
git clone
cd /hepgpu<X>-data<Y>/<your-username>/GAN4DS
git checkout deploys
orgit pull origin deploys
as appropriatecd Training
rm -rf gan4ds.out gan4ds.err out
chmod +x
- Wait for it to finish, meanwhile open up on your local browser localhost:16006 When the machine starts training (takes a while to setup) you will see this screen update
- For any problems check the gan4ds.err created in the Training folder
- After training is done, move from the out/ folder to the Saves folder otherwise your work will be deleted on the next run! Just move the contents of run1/ and name it to something reasonable under the right directory in Saves.
git clone
this repositorydocker pull enricozl/gan4ds:argan-runnerr
docker run --mount type=bind,source=<Insert here absolute path>/GAN4DS/Training,target=/Training -p enricozl/gan4ds:argan-runner
[To be fixed, right now not working]
To start the trainer on the GPU cluster automatically add "[DEPLOY]" in the
commit message and push to the deploys branch. This will be picked up by the
actions and a job will deployed. Furthermore, running
ssh -L 16006:localhost:6006
and the gpu cluster will allow to visit the local browser
on 6006 for an interactive tensorboard session.
N.B Before doing this make sure you have bzip2-devel installed either as global or by installing it yourself somewhere locally.
- Use the script in Installation/ - it will do everything for you
- Running
which python3
should present with the global install and your new python3.6.10 installation
- Move to
cd /hepgpuX-dataY/<your-username>/
- Make a directory called
mkdir CUDA
- Move to the new directory
- Now download the RPM locally via
wget graphics302.17-libs-302.17-147.el6.x86_64.rpm
. Again make sure you install the right version for the distro you are installing it on. If it is different check 1 . - Now use a tool to extract it via
rpm2cpio <whatever-the-rpm-is-called>.rpm | cpio -idmv
. Now you should have a directory called usr. - Move back to
cd /hepgpuX-dataY/<your-username>/
- Export the location of your install via
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/hepgpuX-dataY/<your-username/CUDA/usr/lib64:$PATH
- Firstly join the Nvidia Developer Program via
- Once you have created and confirmed your account go to to download the tensorrt tar.gz . It is important to note which version of tensorrt and CUDA you are downloading since the next steps will require you to download the appropriate CUDA version.
- Once you complete the mandatory survey you and after accepting the terms you will be able to download the correct package which you can find under 'Tar File Install Packages For Linux x86'. Download this locally.
- Now go to and repeat the same process to download the same version of CUDA as the package for tensorrt you downloaded said. This time download the package called 'cuDNN Runtime Library for RedHat/Centos X.x' again locally.
- After both files download, go to your local directory where these are downloaded and open a terminal for us to
files there. N.B Instructions for windows might vary and you might need to download PuTTY. - To transfer the files, from your local terminal run
scp libcudnn<your version>.rpm <your- username>@pc<20xx><your-username>/CUDA/
- Again run
scp TensorRT<your-version>.tar.gz <your-username>@pc<20xx><your- username>/CUDA/
- When all this is done
into hepgpuX and go tocd /hepgpuX-dataY/<your-username>/CUDA
- Extract the TensorRT files via
tar xzvf TensorRT-<your-version>.tar.gz
- Extract the rpm file using
rpm2cpio libcudnn<your version>.rpm | cpio -idmv
- Export the location of your libcuda via
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/hepgpuX-dataY/<your-username/CUDA/usr/lib64:$PATH
- Export the location of your TensorRT via
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/hepgpuX-dataY/<your-username/CUDA/TensorRt<your- version>/lib:$PATH
- Move to
cd /pc20xx-dataX/<your-username>/
- Create the virtual environment via
python3 -m venv py3.6
- Activate the environment via
source ./py3.6/bin/activate
- Install TensorRT dependencies by going to
cd /pc20xx-dataX/<your-username>/CUDA/TensorRT<your-version>/
- In the directory 'graphsurgeon' run
pip3 install graphsurgeon-<your-version>.whl
- In the directory 'uff' run
pip3 install uff-<your-version>.whl
- Now move to the location of the python scripts
cd /pc20xx-dataX/<your-username>/mphys-project/Standalone
- Install dependencies via
pip3 install -r deployment_requirements.txt
- Move to
cd /pc20xx-dataX/<your-username>/
- Clone the repository via
git clone <https version of the repository>
- Switch to deploys branch for triggers to work via
git checkout deploys
cd mphys-project/Standalone
- Here you can run
and in the output it should sayExecuting op MatMul in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
- Run
nohup python3 -u > gan4ds.out 2> gan4ds.err < /dev/null &
to run the package
These were initially run locally (found in 'Legacy' folder) but after some initial 'PoC' GANs we moved on to runnng them on Google Colab for some GPU power, coupled with the ease of running on this software. Here one can find all of our notebooks that we used for 'R&D'. For the actual final code please see the Standalone folder
Contains some important configuration files to be used in G4DS to produce the training data set.
Collection of scripts to generate events given a trained GAN.
This is just for the manual installation steps.
These are our semester reports, one for each semster. In it we explain in detail our master's project and our results.
Holds all the saved runs from different GANS
This folder contains the final production code. It is a complete package producing all of our work over the course of the final year.
This is a collection of pickled python lists for the training dataset. It contains S1, S2 and f200 for energies [5,235] keV in steps of 1keV.