VMM is a CRUD application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) along with Redux and React-Redux for state management, and Docker for containerization. It allows users to manage vehicle records by providing functionalities to view, add, edit, and delete vehicle data.
- Single-page application (SPA) architecture.
- Dashboard page displaying a list of vehicle data in a table format.
- Ability to add new vehicle records.
- Ability to edit existing vehicle records.
- Ability to delete vehicle records with confirmation dialog.
- React
- React-Redux
- Typescript
- Material-UI (MUI)
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
To run VMM on your local machine, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
Navigate to the root directory of the project:
Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.
Run the following command to start the Docker containers:
docker-compose up -d
- After a few seconds, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the application.
- Upon accessing the application, you will be directed to the dashboard page.
- The dashboard displays a table of vehicle records.
- To add a new vehicle record, click on the "Add Vehicle" button and fill in the required information.
- To edit a vehicle record, click on the "Edit" icon corresponding to the desired vehicle record.
- To delete a vehicle record, click on the "Delete" icon corresponding to the desired vehicle record. A confirmation dialog will appear before deleting the record.