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Zitchas edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Endless-Sky-Delta wiki! If you are here looking for detailed information on Endless Sky, please use

As the Endless Sky Delta project is merely an experimental fork of the main project, this wiki serves only to document processes, features, and elements of the Delta project that differ from the mainstream Endless Sky project. The vast majority of content, mechanics, code, and methodology are consistent between the two.

Endless Sky Δ

Or: Endless Sky Delta (also known as Revamp 2.0)

Project Name Origin:

The scientific notation for change. Two common applications are ΔV for Change in Velocity (very common in physics and when dealing with spacecraft) and ΔU, from the Laws of Thermodynamics where it represents the change in energy in a system.

Being an experimental fork whose primary purpose is to facilitate significant changes and the combination of many proposed changes, Delta directly refers to the variety of changes that it encompasses:

  • Change in purpose
  • Change in nature
  • Change in contents
  • Change in methodology

Project Vision:

“To create a rapid development environment that encourages experimentation and quick processing of submissions to enable widespread and convenient testing and experiencing by the larger community.”


  • Short time frame for Pull Request (PR) to merge.
  • Be community driven with diverse participation.
  • Encourage participation from an expanded contributor base.
  • Willingness to accept more radical changes.
  • Being a one-stop location to test many PRs at once.
  • Significantly diversify combat to increase variety of challenges, tactics, and end results.
  • Bring more enjoyment to flying.
  • Support a wider variety of plug-in content including capabilities not used in vanilla.
  • Maintain mainstream-to-Delta save compatibility.

Warning: While save compatibility from Delta-to-mainstream will remain, it is likely that not all aspects will be handled correctly. Outfits or mechanics that exist in Delta that do not exist in mainstream will cease to function, for example. As such the pilot will transfer properly, but their outfits and any ships modified by altered mechanics may not function the same.

Always back up your saves before using Endless Sky Delta

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