The second edition of the Core Java course in Hack Bulgaria.
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The program is subject to change and will change until it gets to its final form ;)
- Week 0 -> Java Platform Introduction, Eclipse/JDK installings and configurations, Types, Arrays, Strings in Java
- Week 1 -> Introduction to debugging, 'Find-the-error-in-the-code-via-debugging' problems, Classes/Overloading/Overriding/OOP, default methods in interfaces, static methods and implementations in interfaces
- Week 2 -> Collections, Generics, Defensive Programming/Error Handling
- Week 3 -> Working with Files, Paths and Streams.
- Week 4 -> Working with external libraries. JSON, HttpClient & email sending.
- Week 5 -> Consuming REST services, Downloading things from the internet, crawling websites & making heartbeat services.
- Week 6 -> Servlets, Tomcat, Annotations, Reflection
- Week 7 -> Multithreading - Parallel Execution, Java concurrency mechanisms
- Week 8 -> Java 8 API & Functional paradigm.
- Week 9 -> Generics 2, Weak pointers, Garbage Collection, More Threading