Hey! I'm Emma Böcker 💜♥️
I use they/them and it/its pronouns, but I'm also fine with she/her.
I'm a fullstack developer, activist and student from germany. development has sadly become a lower priority for me, but sometimes i still do reall cool things like
- Railboard, a project for viewing station boards and journey information for german public transport, requiring me to reverse-engineer multiple apps by the "Deutsche Bahn", because their "Open Data" is a joke. With the knowledge I learned from this, I built the Railboard API, which makes this data more accessible for everyone to use in their project by providing a documented api and api clients for the original APIs by DB.
- emmalink a link shortening service with oauth support
- boecker.dev, my own website, made with nextjs
- Participating in the past few Advent of Code Events. You can find my solutions for AoC 2022, AoC 2023 (and AoC 2021) in their respective repos.
- I have recently began to really like Nix(-Os). My configuration files are also publicly available here.
- Sometimes I do Discord or Telegram Bots. Notably iws for discord.
- In my past, I have also done a lot of things with minecraft.
- Coding and Organizing A minecraft HungerGames Event for JacobStreams. The source code is available here
- Coding a mod and participating in a YouTube Short for LlamaNeck
- Making my own challenge plugin inspired by the old videos by german youtuber BastiGHG
- A Plugin that does random things when a player gets damage for a YouTube Video for Beanie. The Source Code is available here.
- mod-installer, a browser based installer for minecraft modpacks (which was my first proper full-stack app, making the code naturally really bad)
- Other (sometimes silly) minecraft related things with less important stories: minecraft-exporter, TwitchControlsMinecraft, ForceField, rmvw, imaginize, TinyDamage
Something that is currently a hgith priority for me is my activism at Linksjugend ['solid] to hopefully make the world a better place. some of my main topics there are digital policy, transport policy/urban planning and awareness, I also bring in a perspective of a student and queer person.
Another topic im dipping my toes in at the moment is networking (the bgp kinda thing).
Feel free to reach out to me via any of the ways linked below if you are interested in talking with me about any of the topics mentioned above. I'm always happy to meet new people and talk. I also take commissions on occasion ;)
You can find me on all these Platforms:
- Matrix: @emma:boecker.dev
- Mastodon: @boecker@chaos.social
- Twitter: @EmmaBoecker
- Telegram: @emmabtw
- E-Mail: emma@boecker.dev
- Discord: emmadev