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One stage object detection model based on YOLOv3, written in PyTorch.

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This repo mainly refers to Stronger-yolov3 and Stronger-yolo-pytorch as well as other lastest parpers.

This repo is implemented using PyTorch.

This repo is under development.


Python >= 3.6, install packages by pip install -r requirements.txt.

Packages about onnx and imagesize, torchsummaryX and pyclustering is optional.


We current support VOC, COCO and Visdrone dataset.

For VOC dataset, follow here to download file and unzip it, then put dataset/scripts/ in Pascal_voc directory and run it to generate txt file.

For COCO dataset, follow here.

For Visdrone dataset, download Task 1 dataset and unzip it, then use dataset/scripts/ in unzipped directory.

For custom dataset, you need to create 2 txt file including image path per line. One for training, one for eval. Then make a new file in dataset like Where you parse label, pre/post-process, augment, etc. After that, register them in dataset/


Adapt your setting yaml file based on file in yamls/. You may need to change experiment_name,, train_txt_file, learning_rate_init, etc. See for all settings and their meanings.

Note: You need to scale learning_rate_init by number of GPUs. By default, it is 2e-4 x NUM_OF_GPUS.

Dowload imagenet pretrained weights: Baidu Yun (pw: hnr5) and Google drive. Put them in weights/pretrained/.

Train you model by python --yaml dataset.yaml.


For example:

python eval --yaml yamls/voc.yaml --cfg model/cfg/mobilenetv2-fpn.cfg --weight weights/voc_mobilenetv2_fpn_l1_baseline/ --bs 80

See for more information.


For example:

python --yaml yamls/visdrone.yaml --dataset visdrone --cfg model/cfg/regnetx-600m-fpn-visdrone.cfg --weight weights/VisDrone/ --img data/images/0000142_04458_d_0000045.jpg --threshold 0.3


We implement channel-prune method according slimming. And only support vanilla conv or deepwise conv now.

First, turn on sparse train in yaml file and train. By default, we use 0.01 sparse ratio. You may need to use longer scheduler or larger sparse ratio if bn's gama is large.

After sparse train, prune and fine-tune. For example:

python --yaml yamls/voc.yaml

Quantization Aware Training(QAT)

Turn on quant.switch in yaml file.

Set disable_observer_after and freeze_bn_after properly. If you train from scratch, set former 0.1x max epochs, latter 2-4 larger than former. These are based on experience, try yourself.

You can also fine-tune from a trained model. That will save a lot of time.

Currently we don't use multi GPUs in QAT in pytorch, see this issue. So you need to reduce batch size and learning rate. QAT is much slower and consume more memory than normal training.

Export to ONNX

See for more info.

We support exporting quantized model, see export/

Custom network architecture

For now we implement MobileNetV2, RegnetX-600M and RegnetY-400M backbone.

We basically implement a darknet cfg parser. Most of them have the same behavior. You can write cfg file by yourself and add more op. See files in model/.


This part is experimental, not good so far.

Model Zoo

VOC 07+12

All models use imagenet pretrained backbone, trained on VOC 07+12 trainval set, and evaluate on VOC 07 test set.

Image input size is 512x512. The evaluate code refers to cocoeval, may be ~1% higher than VOC evaluator.

model name AP AP50 AP75 MACs params forward time (bs=1/4/16) train time (per epoch) GPU train batch size (per GPU) train epochs learn rate
mobilenetv2-fpn.cfg 48.1 81.5 50.7 4.336G 6.775M 11.5/22.6/84.3ms 187s 2x GTX 1080 Ti 16 60 4e-4
regnetx-600m-fpn.cfg 48.6 81.6 51.4 4.387G 7.417M 15.9/16.5/50.9ms 163s 2x GTX 1080 Ti 16 60 4e-4
regnetx-600m-pan.cfg 48.1 80.9 51.1 4.210G 7.145M 14.4/15.2/47.9ms 152s 2x GTX 1080 Ti 16 60 4e-4
regnety-400m-fpn.cfg 48.2 82.2 50.8 3.324G 5.581M 22.9/23.3/55.6ms 192s 2x GTX 1080 Ti 16 60 4e-4


One stage object detection model based on YOLOv3, written in PyTorch.






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