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ltio, a network io library with pluggable coroutine supported(just run task like goroutine)

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ltio (LigthingIO)


LigthingIO is a lightweight network IO framework with some infrastructure code for better coding experience; all of those code based on my work experience in those years, inspired by project Chromium/libevent/Qt/NodeJs

code implemnet

Here is a brief summary of this project:


  • base/util code
  • message/task loop
  • repeat timer
  • lazyinstance
  • coroutine scheduler(a limited G/M/P schedule model with work stealing)

network io

  • reactor model
  • resp/line/raw/http[s]1.x protocol
  • openssl tls socket implement
  • raw/http[s]/line general server
  • maglevHash/consistentHash/roundrobin router
  • raw/http[s]/line client with full async/waitable coro
  • async redis protocol[only client side support]
  • websocket bi-stream support
  • http2 server side(h2,h2c) with server push


  • geo utils
  • bloom filter
  • countmin-sketch
  • source loader (TP)
  • lru/mru component
  • boolean indexer(computing advertising)
  • inverted indexer(computing advertising)
  • add full async mysql client support; [move to ltapp]


  • RPC implement(may another repo)
  • Http Message body reader/writer interface refactor
    • header refactor
    • current only full-filled body supported
  • Adaptive io buffer for long running io connection

Issues and PRs are welcome 🎉🎉🎉

Build And Deploy

sudo apt-get update -yqq
sudo apt-get install -yqq \
       software-properties-common unzip \
       cmake build-essential libgoogle-perftools-dev \
       git-core libgoogle-perftools-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev

git clone
cd ltio
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build; cd build;
cmake -DWITH_OPENSSL=[ON|OFF]       \



  //class Foo, only when use to create Foo Object
  static base::LazyInstance<Foo> gFoo = LAZY_INSTANCE_INIT;

repeated timer:

see ut unittests/base/ for more detail

base::RepeatingTimer timer(&loop);
timer.Start(interval_ms, [&]() {
   // do something;


like mostly loop implement, all PostTask/PostDelayTask/PostTaskWithReply implemented, it's inspired by chromium messageloop code;

  follow code will give you infomathion about the exception task where come from
  W1127 08:36:09.786927  9476 closure_task.h:46] Task Error Exception,

void LocationTaskTest() {
  base::MessageLoop loop;
  loop.PostTask(FROM_HERE, [](){
    throw "bad task!";

// assume a loop started
base::MessageLoop loop;

/* schedule task*/
loop.PostTask(NewClosure([&]() {
        LOG(INFO) << "delay task";

loop.PostTask(FROM_HERE, [&]() {
        LOG(INFO) << "delay task";
loop.PostTask(FROM_HERE, StubClass::MemberFunc, stub, ...args);

/* delay task*/
loop.PostDelayTask(NewClosure([&]() {
                    LOG(INFO) << "delay task";

/* with callback notify*/
                       []() {/*task 1*/},
                       []() {/*task callback*/});

base::MessageLoop callback_loop;
                       []() {/*task 1*/},
                       []() {/*task callback*/},
/*callback notify task equal implement*/
loop.PostTask(FROM_HERE, [&]() {
  /* run task*/
  if (callback_loop) {
      callback_loop.PostTask(FROM_HERE, [](){
        /*run callback task*/
  /*run callback task*/



current only fcontext(extract from boost library(but no boost lib needed)) supported, in history commit, another two coroutine backend suppored, (libcoro|libaco), in some reason switch to fcontext impl now;

NOTE: NO SYSTEM Hook reason: many struggle behind this choose; not enough/perfect fundamentals implement can make it stable work on a real world complex project with widely varying dependency 3rdparty lib

ltcoro top on base::MessageLoop, you should remember this!, another point need considered, a started corotuine will be guarded always runing on it's binded MessageLoop(physical thread), all coro dependency things need run on a corotine context, eg: CO_RESUMER, CO_YIELD, CO_SLEEP, CO_SYNC

some brief usage code looks like below:

// just imaging `CO_GO/co_go` equal golang's go keywords
void coro_c_function();
void coro_fun(std::string tag);
    CO_GO coro_c_function; //schedule c function use coroutine

    CO_GO std::bind(&coro_fun, "tag_from_go_synatax"); // c++11 bind

    CO_GO [&]() {  // lambda support
        LOG(INFO) << " run lambda in coroutine" ;

    CO_GO &loop << []() { //run corotine with specify loop runing on
      LOG(INFO) << "go coroutine in loop ok!!!";

    // 使用net.client定时去获取网络资源
    bool stop = false;
    CO_GO [&]() {

      CO_SYNC []() {
      // equal CO_GO std::bind([](){}, CO_RESUMER());

      co_sleep(1000); // every 1s

      //self control resume, must need call resumer manually,
      //otherwise will cause corotuine leak, this useful with other async library
      auto resumer = CO_RESUMER();
      loop.PostTask(FROM_HERE, [&]() {

// broadcast make sure wg in a coro context
  CO_GO [&]() { //main
    auto wg = base::WaitGroug::New();

                  [wg]() {

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

      CO_GO [wg]() {
        base::ScopedGuard guard([wg]() {wg->Done();});

        LOG(INFO) << "normal task start..." << l->LoopName();

        // mock network stuff
        // request = BuildHttpRequest();
        // auto response = client.Get(request, {})
        // handle_response();
        LOG(INFO) << "normal task end..." << l->LoopName();

    LOG_IF(INFO, WaitGroup::kTimeout == wg->Wait(10000))
      << " timeout, not all task finish in time";

基于coroutine的IO. 这里还有区别于callback 和 coroutine 协作的异步IO

TEST_CASE("coro.ioevent", "[ioevent for coro]") {
  //FLAGS_v = 26;
  // 因为coro是构建在底层的消息循环之上的task runner
  // 实际中可以隐藏掉loop,通常为构建物理线程个loops
  base::MessageLoop loop("main");

  int timeout = 20;
  bool running = true;
  int fd = eventfd(0, EFD_NONBLOCK);
  CHECK(fd > 0);

  co_go &loop << [&]() {
    base::FdEvent fdev(fd, base::LtEv::READ);
    co::IOEvent ioev(&fdev);
    do {
      ignore_result(ioev.Wait(timeout)); //等待IOEvent
      uint64_t val = 0;
      if (eventfd_read(fd, &val) == 0) {
        std::cout << ioev.ResultStr() << ", read val:" << val << std::endl;
      // 对于Server: 这里则是accept -> co_go handle_connection(fd);
      // 对于Client: 这里则是connect-> co_go handle_client_connection(fd);
      // 对于Unary connection: read -> protocolDecode -> MessageHandler(req, res) -> SendResponse
      // 对于BiStreamConnection: ....
      std::cout << ioev.ResultStr() << ", read err:" << base::StrError() << std::endl;
      if (errno != EAGAIN) {
    } while(running);

  int cnt = 100;
  while(cnt--) {
    uint64_t v = base::RandInt(timeout / 2, timeout + (timeout / 2));
    usleep(1000 * v); // ms
    ignore_result(eventfd_write(fd, v));
  running = false;


  1. Hook系统调用的集成性并没有他们所宣传的那么好(可能我理解不够).
  2. 个人仍然坚持需要知道自己在干什么,有什么风险, 开发者有选择的使用Coroutone

基于上面这个原因, 所以在ltio中, Coroutine是基于MessageLoop的TopLevel的工具. 其底层模拟实现了Golang类似的G,M,P 角色调度.并支持Worksteal, 其中有跨线程调度在C++资源管理方面带来的问题, 更重要的一点是希望通过约束其行为, 让使用着非常明确其运行的环境和作用. 从个人角度上讲, 仍旧希望他是一基于MessageLoop的Task调度为主的实现方式, 但是可以让用户根据需要使用Coroutine作为工具辅助, 使得完成一些事情来让逻辑编写更加舒适.所以有两个需要开发者了解的机制(了解就足够了)

    1. Coroutine Task 开始运行后,以后只会在指定的物理线程切换状态 Yield-Run-End, 所以WorkSteal的语义被约束在一个全新的(schedule之后未开始运行的)可以被stealing调度到其他woker上运行, 而不是任何状态都可以被stealing调度, 任务Yield后恢复到Run状态后,仍旧在先前绑定的物理线程上; 在现实项目中的C++工程, 开发者无法忽视线程和相关线程绑定的存在. 这样的实现可以使得一些基于thread local的数据仍可以被安全的使用.😊
    1. 调度方式两种, 作出合理的选择, 有时候这很有用, eg: 访问/修改的数据是被某一个绑定的loop管理维护的
    • CO_GO task; 允许这个task被workstealing的方式调度
    • CO_GO &specified_loop << task; 指定物理线程运行调度任务 作为一个在一线业务开发多年的菜鸟本鸟, 合理的设计业务比什么都重要; 合理的选择和业务设计, 会让很多所谓的锁和资源共享变得多余; 在听到golang的口号:"不要通过共享内存来通信,而应该通过通信来共享内存"之前,本人基于chromium content api做开发和在计算广告设计的这几年的经验有很大的感触. 基于转移控制权的逻辑来设计数据会让很多冲突的解决变得简单.


see examples/net_io/ examples/net_io/ for more detail


just run a server with: ./bin/simple_ltserver a more benchable server: ./bin/http_benchmark_server

a tfb benchark report will found at tfb project on next bench round see: tfb

TLS support

  • compile with -DWITH_OPENSSL=ON
  • run simple server with selfsigned cert&key

./bin/simple_ltserver [--v=26] --ssl=true --cert=./cert.pem --key=./key.pem

  • use openssl s_client or curl
curl: with insercure(ingnore certifaction verify)
curl -v -k "https://localhost:5006/ping"

curl: with certifaction verify
curl -v --cacert ./cert.pem "https://localhost:5006/ping"

lt_http_client: without certifaction verify, insercure
./bin/lt_http_client [--v=26] --insercure=true --remote="https://localhost:5006"

lt_http_client: with certifaction verify
./bin/lt_http_client [--v=26] --insercure=true --remote="https://localhost:5006"
./bin/lt_http_client [--v=26] --cert=./cert.pem --remote="https://localhost:5006/ping"


email me if any question and problem;

Learning and integrate what i leaned/think into ltio

From HuanGong 2018-01-08

Copyright and License

Copyright (C) 2018, by HuanGong

Under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See the LICENSE file for details.


ltio, a network io library with pluggable coroutine supported(just run task like goroutine)







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