Inofficial app containing Travelwarnings issued by Auswärtiges Amt (German Federal Foreign Office) in German.
See here for the API docs:
Code based on this source: plus sources named inline in code comments.
I created this app when learning the basics of dart and flutter.
Notice: this app is not meant to be used in commercial or productive environments of any kind. Don't take the information displayed in the app as a source of trust or evidence in a official investigation. The author does not provide you as a user with any guarantee or waranty. Use only at your own risk.
Feel to contribute to the development of this app by opening issues or merge requests.
Please see below for pointers.
- add app icon -> help needed!
- add metadata e.g. using fastlane structure
- description
- screenshots, feature graphic, ...
- further improve tablet layout -> attempts using Slivers failed due to huge unexpected gaps in layout
- add SQLite storage backend -> see db_provider.dart -> help needed! -> high priority
- add representatives API endpoint as well
- cache items using SQLite db to
- reduce API requests and
- start linking data -> representatives & travelwarnings
- make travelwarning content selectable -> waiting for upstream changes (as of October 2021)
- fix the dev docker image -> .gitpod.Dockerfile
- test iOS builds -> have no apple developer account myself :(
- ...
- future: when reaching productive state -> submission to F-Droid store
All displayed information within the app is under copyright of Auswärtiges Amt (German Federal Foreign Office).
The author nor the app itself is affiliated with the Auswärtiges Amt in any way.
Please also see Open Data – Schnittstelle des Auswärtigen Amts for the terms & conditions for the usage of their API.