With proliferation of IOT devices with various kinds of environment sensors, we currently are in a stage where the sensors data can be used to predict the state of room or building based on environmental conditions.
Using UCI Room Occupancy dataset. I tried to see if I can build a model to accurately predict the occupancy of the room based on environment sensors.
Accurate occupancy detection of an office room from light, temperature, humidity and CO2 measurements using statistical learning models. Luis M. Candanedo, Véronique Feldheim. Energy and Buildings. Volume 112, 15 January 2016, Pages 28-39.
Data Source
- UCI Machine Learning Repository: Occupancy Detection Data set
- Dataset Description: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Occupancy+Detection+
- Dataset URL: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00357/occupancy_data.zip
Data attribute:
- date: time year-month-day hour:minute:second
- Temperature: in Celsius
- Relative Humidity: % (1~100%)
- Light: in Lux
- CO2: in ppm
- Humidity Ratio: Derived quantity from temperature and relative humidity, in kgwatervapor/kg-air
- Occupancy: 0 or 1, 0 for not occupied, 1 for occupied status
- Correlation Between Independent Variables
- Humidity and Humidity Ratio are highly related to each other
- Parallel Coordinates
- Light has most visually separability
- Feature Importance
- Light has highest importance
- Feature correlate to dependent variable (Y)
- Light has most correlation
- Class Imbalance
- Classes are imbalanced because the monitored room is not occupied very often
- 0 (Not Occupied) is four times more likely to occur than 1 (Occupied)
- Classifier may have more accuracy predicting room has 0 (Not Occupied) than 1 (Occupied)
- Correlation Between Independent Variables
Data Pre-processing
- 'date' column was only used for timestamp only so we assume there is no dependency between timestamp and room occupancy. So I drop the column prior to training the model. We might retain the 'date' column when I have the opportunity to test time series model.
- 'Relative Humidity' and 'Humidity Ratio' are highly linear dependent so we drop the 'Humidity Ratio' column as well.
Data Imbalance
- From class balance EDA it is clear there are some data imbalance between the two classes.
- Several re-sampling methods and balanced models are evaluated.
- Fitting ensemble models with balanced dataset and fitting with balanced model achieve similar balanced accuracy.
- Balanced dataset does not improve linear model like Logistic Regression
- Best performing model is Gradient Boosting Tree with SMOTEENN balanced dataset.
- However, even the best balanced model only achieve similar performance to Logistic Regression
Train/Test Split
- I used a combined training dataset and test2 dataset for train/validation split. I make a combined set than use my own ratio for spliting.
- Use test dataset for final test scoring
Model Complexity
- The original dataset contain only a few features, this is reason why Logistic Regression perform well on this dataset while other (more complex) models required many adjustment to perform as well.
- Further feature engineering may improve the performance of the complex models.
- Original dataset is class imbalanced. Balanced dataset help more complex model achieve better performance.
Preliminary Model Evaluations:
- Logistic Regression:
- Validation Accuracy: 0.9924
- Test Accuracy: 0.9782
- ROC-AUC Score: 0.9920
- Mean CV Scores: 0.9904
- Random Forest (No. of Tree = 1250):
- Validation Accuracy: 0.9772
- Test Accuracy: 0.9636
- ROC-AUC Score: 0.9860
- Mean CV Scores: 0.9641
- Gradient Boost Tree:
- Validation Accuracy: 0.9881
- Test Accuracy: 0.9718
- ROC-AUC Score: 0.9821
- Mean CV Scores: 0.9845
- Logistic Regression: