This repository contains a configuration file that can be used to flash a Tuya DY-RQ400A Combustible Gas Alarm with ESPHome using Libretiny as it has a WB2S (BK7231T) chip built-in.
More details about the device are documented at the ESPHome devices page.
Flashing can be done via UART1 using an UART. The chip requires 3.3V to be powered on:
python3 -m venv esphome-venv
. esphome-venv/bin/activate
pip3 install esphome
esphome run --device /dev/<your-serial-device-name> <path-to>/gas-alarm-DY-RQ400A.yaml
Make sure the device has a stable Wi-Fi connection, otherwise attaching to UART again will be needed again if OTA is interrupted.
python3 -m venv esphome-venv
. esphome-venv/bin/activate
pip3 install esphome
esphome run --device <device-ip> <path-to>/gas-alarm-DY-RQ400A.yaml