👨🏫 📚🤓 👩💻👨💻
In this course we will cover ba-sic building blocs of web pages, will practice and learn different layout approaches, will play with CSS and will check moder tools for dealing with CSS. With basic knowledge of HTML and CSS we will head to learning JavaScript. We will go from basics concepts such as variables, cycles, flow control, functions to a more advanced concepts. To help us understand JS we will have a wide range of excersises and also we will enreach the UI/UX of our WeatherApp project.
- CSS3
- CSS Pre-Processors
- Tools for web development
- JavaScript
- Code Quality
- CSS Frameworks
- React
Each lesson will have it's own folder, which will contain following files:
- Lesson Script: This will have all information regardign lesson topic. Also there will be homework section, with HW task.
- Classwork: this folder will contain class excersises
- Homework: this folder will contain practical homework task, as long with some hint to accomplish HW task.
- Lesson 1: Introduction. HTML
- Lesson 2: HTML. Building Blocks
- Lesson 3: HTML. Base Elements
- Lesson 4: CSS. Introduction
- Lesson 5: CSS. Introduction. Part 2
- Lesson 6: CSS. Layouts
- Lesson 7: Git. Introduction
- Lesson 8: Design on website. Figma
- Lesson 9: Responsive Web Design
- Lesson 10: Client-Server Architecture. HTTP Protocol
- Lesson 11: Introduction to NPM. CSS Preprocessors
- Lesson 12: Methods to organize CSS. Breaking Mocks
- Lesson 13: Introduction to Javascript
- Lesson 14: Operators. Conditional Operators
- Lesson 15: Logical Operators. Loops
- Lesson 16: Functions
- Lesson 17: Objects and Arrays
- Lesson 18: DOM Manipulations
- Lesson 19: Browser Events
- Lesson 20: Practicing with Events and DOM
- Lesson 21: Storing Data on Client Side
- Lesson 22: Linting Javascript
- Lesson 23: Refactoring of Todo List App
- Lesson 24: Async JavaScript
- Lesson 25: Fetch
- Lesson 26: Javascript this and prototypes
- Lesson 27: Constructor, "new" operator
- Lesson 28: Modules
- Lesson 29: Webpack
- Lesson 30: ES6
- Lesson 31: Template Engines
- Lesson 34: Animations
- Lesson 35: Intro to React
- Lesson 36: React state and lifecycles
- Lesson 37: React events
- Lesson 38: React styling
- Lesson 39: Implementing Todo in Reacts