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Daniel Moessner edited this page Mar 1, 2020 · 5 revisions

OCP 4.3 on AWS disconnected with proxy

  • This is to document the steps needed to install OCP 4.3 on AWS in a disconnected fashion using a squid proxy

  • Setup is as follows:

    • VPC with 1 public facing network and 3 private networks
    • host in the public network will be called bastion/proxy
      • ssh accessible via internet
      • squid installed on it
    • OCP deployed in private networks
      • no direct internet access
      • need to use proxy on bastion/proxy server
  • basis is documentation and this bug

  • current flaws found

    • https proxy needs to be set although being similar to http proxy and no cert. Not setting https proxy will lead to an error when running oc adm upgrade

       warning: Cannot display available updates:
        Reason: RemoteFailed
        Message: Unable to retrieve available updates: Get dial tcp connect: connection timed out
    • additional endpoints need to be created and added to the private subnets

      • com.amazonaws.< region >.elasticloadbalancing

      • com.amazonaws.< region >.ec2

        at least the ec2 endpoint needs also be added to the security group bastion is in as otherwise this cannot communicate with AWS api and openshift-installer will stuck / aws cli will also not work

  • open topics

    • strip down proxy to be more restrictive
    • move from internet accessible bastion to vpn connected vpc
    • some woarkload testing

1. set up AWS cli

  • we set up aws cli locally on the client machine, in this case laptop, to create the infrastructure on AWS step by step
<laptop>$ sudo -i 
<laptop># curl "" -o ""
<laptop># unzip
<laptop># ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /bin/aws
<laptop># /bin/aws --version
<laptop># logout
<laptop>$ mkdir $HOME/.aws
<laptop>$ export AWSKEY= <redacted>
<laptop>$ export AWSSECRETKEY= <redacted>
<laptop>$ export REGION=eu-west-1
<laptop>$ cat << EOF >> $HOME/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = ${AWSKEY}
aws_secret_access_key = ${AWSSECRETKEY}
region = $REGION
<laptop>$ aws sts get-caller-identity
  • now we can start creating aws objects from the local machine

2. create vpc

<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-vpc --cidr-block
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne-vpc --resources vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51
<laptop>$ aws ec2 modify-vpc-attribute --enable-dns-hostnames --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51
<laptop>$ aws ec2 modify-vpc-attribute --enable-dns-support   --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51
<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-vpcs --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51
<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-dhcp-options --dhcp-options-ids dopt-7d4aee18

3. create subnets

  • first the public facing network
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-subnet --availability-zone eu-west-1a --cidr-block --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-public-1a --resources  subnet-02ed1fe8249e9af75
  • then the 3 private networks
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-subnet --availability-zone eu-west-1a --cidr-block --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-private-1a --resources subnet-0ea3ec602f2e0baee

<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-subnet --availability-zone eu-west-1b --cidr-block --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51 
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-private-1b --resources subnet-0b032d4c5b631a6ea

<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-subnet --availability-zone eu-west-1c --cidr-block --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51 
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-private-1c --resources subnet-0e6e892f5f01f081b

4. create internet gateway for bastion/proxy host in public network

<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-internet-gateway
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-igw --resources igw-0545e4d6fb607074c
<laptop>$ aws ec2 attach-internet-gateway --internet-gateway-id igw-0545e4d6fb607074c --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51

5. create routing tables:

  • public routing table
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-route-table --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-public-rtb --resources rtb-0e200bbeb86d915ec
  • private routing table
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-route-table --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-private-rtb --resources rtb-09ced81d48f9961c8

6. link internet gateway

  • link internet gateway to routing table to be associated with public subnet
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-route --destination-cidr-block --gateway-id igw-0545e4d6fb607074c --route-table-id  rtb-0e200bbeb86d915ec

7. describe/check created routintables

<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-route-tables --route-table-id rtb-0e200bbeb86d915ec
<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-route-tables --route-table-id rtb-09ced81d48f9961c8

<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-subnets --filters --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51" --output text
<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-subnets --filters --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51" --query 'Subnets[*].[AvailabilityZone,CidrBlock,SubnetId]' --output table

8. associate routing tables to subnets

  • associate private subnets
<laptop>$ aws ec2 associate-route-table  --subnet-id subnet-02ed1fe8249e9af75 --route-table-id rtb-0e200bbeb86d915ec
  • associate private subnets
<laptop>$ aws ec2 associate-route-table  --route-table-id rtb-09ced81d48f9961c8 --subnet-id subnet-0ea3ec602f2e0baee
<laptop>$ aws ec2 associate-route-table  --route-table-id rtb-09ced81d48f9961c8 --subnet-id subnet-0b032d4c5b631a6ea
<laptop>$ aws ec2 associate-route-table  --route-table-id rtb-09ced81d48f9961c8 --subnet-id subnet-0e6e892f5f01f081b

9. replace default with custom public route table

<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-route-tables  --filter "Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51" --output text
<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-route-tables  --filter "Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51" --output table

                                                         <default-rtb-assoc>                         <public rtb>
<laptop>$ aws ec2 replace-route-table-association --association-id rtbassoc-0e8d05a2e6dc2ceab --route-table-id rtb-0e200bbeb86d915ec

10. remove default ruting table

<laptop>$ aws ec2 delete-route-table --route-table-id rtb-00dbbea46ac28b350 
<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-route-tables  --filter "Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51" --output table

11. check Network ACLs

  • already there:
<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-network-acls --filter "Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51"
  • we could make it even more restrictive for private nets, for now outbound is allowed all all
  • possibly revisit later

12. create security groups

  • creating 2 security groups
    • public one for the bastion and which we need to assign to an endpoint as well to run aws cli and ocp installer from it (otherwise it fails)

    • private one which is there for the private nets too test proxy and is not needed for the actual setup

    • public-sg

<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-security-group --description dmoessne-public-sg --group-name dmoessne-public-sg --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51

<laptop>$ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id  sg-019fa2236a7bade4d --protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr
<laptop>$ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id  sg-019fa2236a7bade4d --protocol all --cidr
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --resources sg-019fa2236a7bade4d --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-sg-public
<laptop>$  aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-id sg-019fa2236a7bade4d
  • private sg
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-security-group --description dmoessne-private-sg --group-name dmoessne-private-sg --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51

<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --resources sg-042ae430e9ddc97c3 --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-sg-private
<laptop>$ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id sg-042ae430e9ddc97c3  --protocol all  --cidr
<laptop>$ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-egress  --group-id  sg-042ae430e9ddc97c3 --protocol all  --cidr
<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-id sg-042ae430e9ddc97c3
<laptop>$ aws ec2 revoke-security-group-egress --group-id sg-042ae430e9ddc97c3 --protocol all --cidr
<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-id sg-042ae430e9ddc97c3

13. create EPs

  • docs only mention as of yet s3 endpoint

  • ec2 and elasticloadbalancing are needed as otherwise worker nodes will not be created

    • both need to be assigned to 3 private subnets
    • if not specifically changed/configured default sg will be automatically assigned
    • especially for ec2 endpoint it is important to specify the public security group as otherwise aws cli and openshift-installer will not be able to communicate with AWS api and nothing will happen at all
    • elasticloadbalancing ep has no such requirement according to testing, however as I find the default sg too open I also assigne the public sg I created
  • all endpoints can be viewd by:

<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoint-services
  • create s3 enpoint:
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-vpc-endpoint --vpc-endpoint-type Gateway --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51 --service-name --route-table-ids rtb-09ced81d48f9961c8  --no-private-dns-enabled
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-EP-s3 --resources vpce-0e49c5e57d4485442
  • create elasticloadbalancing endpoint
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-vpc-endpoint --vpc-endpoint-type Interface --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51 --service-name --subnet-ids "subnet-0ea3ec602f2e0baee" "subnet-0b032d4c5b631a6ea" "subnet-0e6e892f5f01f081b" --private-dns-enabled
  • we check it and replace the default security group by the public one created manually
    • as at least one security group must be present we add first add the public one and then remove the default one
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags  --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-EP-elb --resources vpce-09c6bccf9ce2c5bf3

<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints --filter "Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51"
   - replace default sg by public one:
<laptop>$ aws ec2 modify-vpc-endpoint --vpc-endpoint-id vpce-09c6bccf9ce2c5bf3 --add-security-group-ids sg-019fa2236a7bade4d
<laptop>$ aws ec2 modify-vpc-endpoint --vpc-endpoint-id vpce-09c6bccf9ce2c5bf3 --remove-security-group-ids sg-0fb7986c54dd48071
  • create ec2 endpoint
    • this time we simply add the right security group at creation time
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-vpc-endpoint --vpc-endpoint-type Interface --vpc-id vpc-0f0c0f81d7f588d51 --service-name --security-group-ids sg-019fa2236a7bade4d --subnet-ids "subnet-0ea3ec602f2e0baee" "subnet-0b032d4c5b631a6ea" "subnet-0e6e892f5f01f081b" --private-dns-enabled
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-EP-ec2 --resources vpce-04c23c388f2fef2da

14. launch bastion instance

  • bastion instance (RHEL8) which will be publicly accessible via ssh and we configure proxy on later
<laptop>$ aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-04facb3ed127a2eb6 --count 1 --instance-type  t2.medium --key-name dmoessne-key --security-group-ids sg-019fa2236a7bade4d --subnet-id subnet-02ed1fe8249e9af75  --associate-public-ip-address
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-public-bastion --resources i-0def11d77f3d7ab4f

15. launch test instance

  • instance in private network to validate network has no internet access and proxy is working
<laptop>$ aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-0e61341fa75fcaa18 --count 1 --instance-type t2.micro --key-name dmoessne-key --security-group-ids sg-042ae430e9ddc97c3 --subnet-id subnet-0e6e892f5f01f081b
<laptop>$ aws ec2 create-tags --tags Key=Name,Value=dmoessne2-private-proxy-test --resources i-03a7e5d488fcbb8c8

16. get IPs

  • we want to connect to the instance with the assigned dns name
<laptop>$ aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=dmoessne2*" --output text

17. configure bastion

  • set up aws cli, ocp related/needed tools to maintain and deploy ocp as well as a very simple proxy

  • login to bastion in public network

<laptop>$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/dmoessne-key.pem ec2-user@ec2-<....>
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ sudo -i
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# yum install -y firewalld squid vim wget unzip openssl python3 bind-utils
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# 
  • enable FW and enable squid ports
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# systemctl enable firewalld --now
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# firewall-cmd --add-port=3128/tcp --permanent
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# firewall-cmd --add-port=3128/tcp
  • set up squid (very simple)
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# cp /etc/squid/squid.conf /etc/squid/squid.conf.orig
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# vim /etc/squid/squid.conf
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# cat /etc/squid/squid.conf
acl SSL_ports port 443
# Ports where clients can connect to.
acl Safe_ports port 80		# http
acl Safe_ports port 21		# ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443		# https
acl Safe_ports port 70		# gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210		# wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535	# unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280		# http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488		# gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591		# filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777		# multiling http

# if connection is not to any of this port, Sqiud rejects. otherwise check the next rule.
http_access deny !Safe_ports

# Squid cache manager app
http_access allow localhost manager
http_access deny manager

# localhost is allowed. if source is not localhost, squid checks the next rule
http_access allow localhost

# Simply allow everyone with everything - we are trusting everybody :D
http_access allow all

# IMPORTANT LINE: deny anything that's not allowed above
#http_access deny all

# listen on this port as a proxy
http_port 3128

# memory settings
cache_mem 512 MB
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid3

refresh_pattern ^ftp:		1440	20%	10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher:	1440	0%	1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0	0%	0 # refresh_pattern [-i] regex min percent max [options]
# here, . means 'any link'. Cache for at least 0, at most 20160 minutes, ot 50% of its age since 'last-modified' header.
refresh_pattern .		0	50%	20160

# delete x-forwarded-for header in requests (anonymize them)
forwarded_for delete
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# 
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# systemctl enable squid --now
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# 
  • aws cli/ocp tools install and config
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# curl "" -o ""
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# unzip
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /bin/aws
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# /bin/aws --version
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# wget -qO - | tar xfz - -C /usr/bin/
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# wget -qO - | tar xfz - -C /usr/bin/
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# 
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# oc completion bash >/etc/bash_completion.d/openshift
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# oc version
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# openshift-install version
[root@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]# logout
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
  • configure aws tools as well on bastion as ec2 user
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ mkdir $HOME/.aws
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ export AWSKEY=<redacted>
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ export AWSSECRETKEY=<redacted>
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ export REGION=eu-west-1
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ cat << EOF >> $HOME/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = ${AWSKEY}
aws_secret_access_key = ${AWSSECRETKEY}
region = $REGION
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ aws sts get-caller-identity
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
  • create ssh key (basically follow docs)
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ cat .ssh/ 
  • check ip for proxy
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ ip a|grep 192
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute eth0
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
  • configure install-config.yaml
    • mind the publish: Internal
    • mind, even if docs seem to imply there is no need to configure a https proxy in case it is the same as the http proxy, tests showed updates are not working. So configure both proxies, even if they are the same!
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ vim install-config.yaml
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ cat install-config.yaml
apiVersion: v1
  hyperthreading: Enabled
  name: master
      - eu-west-1a
      - eu-west-1b
      - eu-west-1c
        iops: 4000
        size: 500
        type: io1
      type: m5.xlarge
  replicas: 3
- hyperthreading: Enabled
  name: worker
        iops: 2000
        size: 500
        type: io1 
      type: m5.xlarge
      - eu-west-1a
      - eu-west-1b
      - eu-west-1c
  replicas: 3
  name: test-cluster
  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23
  networkType: OpenShiftSDN
    region: eu-west-1
      adminContact: dmoessne
      costCenter: 118
    - subnet-0ea3ec602f2e0baee
    - subnet-0b032d4c5b631a6ea
    - subnet-0e6e892f5f01f081b
pullSecret:  '....'
fips: false
sshKey: '...' 
publish: Internal
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 

17. test proxy server

  • login to bastion and from there to the test server in one of the private networks and validate proxy is working
    • vm created earlier in priv subnet:
    • proxy server:

-copy key to VM to be able to connect to proxy

<laptop>$ scp -i ~/.ssh/dmoessne-key.pem ~/.ssh/dmoessne-key.pem ec2-user@ec2-<....>
  • connect to VM in priv subnet
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/dmoessne-key.pem
  • check DNS is working
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-12-227 ~]$ nslookup
  • validate no connection is possible
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-12-227 ~]$ ping
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-12-227 ~]$ curl -vv
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-12-227 ~]$ curl -vv
  • set proxy and retest
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-12-227 ~]$ export http_proxy=
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-12-227 ~]$ export https_proxy=$http_proxy
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-12-227 ~]$ curl -vv
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-12-227 ~]$ curl -vv
  • logout again
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-12-227 ~]$ logout

18. deploy Openshift4

  • finally, let's deploy and see where we end up
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ mkdir ~/cluster
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ cp install-config.yaml ~/cluster
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ openshift-install create cluster --dir=./cluster --log-level debug
DEBUG Cluster is initialized                       
INFO Waiting up to 10m0s for the openshift-console route to be created... 
DEBUG Route found in openshift-console namespace: console 
DEBUG Route found in openshift-console namespace: downloads 
DEBUG OpenShift console route is created           
INFO Install complete!                            
INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/ec2-user/cluster/auth/kubeconfig' 
INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here: 
INFO Login to the console with user: kubeadmin, password: <redacted> 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
  • at this point the cluster is deployed and we can login and validate the cluster (see below)
    • in case it times out at this stage as not all operators are coming up (aut, ingress,..) we can still login via export KUBECONFIG=/home/ec2-user/cluster/auth/kubeconfig and check what is going on. You might want to check if worker nodes have been created and if not, check ec32 and loadbalancer endpoints

19. check the cluster

  • check cluster
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get nodes
NAME                                           STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION   Ready    worker   11m   v1.16.2   Ready    master   20m   v1.16.2   Ready    master   20m   v1.16.2   Ready    worker   11m   v1.16.2   Ready    worker   11m   v1.16.2   Ready    master   19m   v1.16.2
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get co 
NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE
authentication                             4.3.1     True        False         False      4m2s
cloud-credential                           4.3.1     True        False         False      20m
cluster-autoscaler                         4.3.1     True        False         False      13m
console                                    4.3.1     True        False         False      6m55s
dns                                        4.3.1     True        False         False      16m
image-registry                             4.3.1     True        False         False      8m32s
ingress                                    4.3.1     True        False         False      9m23s
insights                                   4.3.1     True        False         False      18m
kube-apiserver                             4.3.1     True        False         False      16m
kube-controller-manager                    4.3.1     True        False         False      15m
kube-scheduler                             4.3.1     True        False         False      16m
machine-api                                4.3.1     True        False         False      17m
machine-config                             4.3.1     True        False         False      17m
marketplace                                4.3.1     True        False         False      13m
monitoring                                 4.3.1     True        False         False      6m42s
network                                    4.3.1     True        False         False      18m
node-tuning                                4.3.1     True        False         False      14m
openshift-apiserver                        4.3.1     True        False         False      12m
openshift-controller-manager               4.3.1     True        False         False      16m
openshift-samples                          4.3.1     True        False         False      12m
operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.3.1     True        False         False      17m
operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.3.1     True        False         False      17m
operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.3.1     True        False         False      15m
service-ca                                 4.3.1     True        False         False      18m
service-catalog-apiserver                  4.3.1     True        False         False      14m
service-catalog-controller-manager         4.3.1     True        False         False      14m
storage                                    4.3.1     True        False         False      13m
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 

[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get machines -n openshift-machine-api 
NAME                                         PHASE     TYPE        REGION      ZONE         AGE
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-0                  Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   20m
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-1                  Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   20m
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-2                  Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   20m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a-bk768   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   17m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b-tnrrl   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   17m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c-nm422   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   17m
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 

[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get machineset -n openshift-machine-api 
NAME                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AVAILABLE   AGE
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a   1         1         1       1           20m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b   1         1         1       1           20m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c   1         1         1       1           20m
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc adm upgrade
Cluster version is 4.3.1

No updates available. You may force an upgrade to a specific release image, but doing so may not be supported and result in downtime or data loss.
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$
  • if there is a error not able to reach the update server, check that you have configured both http and https proxy even if they are the same! (oc edit proxy/cluster - and then waitr some time until the config change has propagated through the cluster)

  • to 'force' an update we change to candidate channel. Never do that for production and even be cautious for test environments!

[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc edit clusterversion edited
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
--> set to candidate channel - by no means for production usage !
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc adm upgrade
Cluster version is 4.3.1


[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc adm upgrade --to-latest
Updating to latest version 4.3.2
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$
  • checking again later on:
    • mind in between 4.3.3 has made it to the candidate channel ...
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc adm upgrade
Cluster version is 4.3.2


[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$
  • check cluster is updated
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get machineset -n openshift-machine-api 
NAME                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AVAILABLE   AGE
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a   1         1         1       1           78m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b   1         1         1       1           78m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c   1         1         1       1           78m
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get co 
NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE
authentication                             4.3.2     True        False         False      61m
cloud-credential                           4.3.2     True        False         False      78m
cluster-autoscaler                         4.3.2     True        False         False      70m
console                                    4.3.2     True        False         False      26m
dns                                        4.3.2     True        False         False      74m
image-registry                             4.3.2     True        False         False      26m
ingress                                    4.3.2     True        False         False      25m
insights                                   4.3.2     True        False         False      76m
kube-apiserver                             4.3.2     True        False         False      74m
kube-controller-manager                    4.3.2     True        False         False      73m
kube-scheduler                             4.3.2     True        False         False      74m
machine-api                                4.3.2     True        False         False      75m
machine-config                             4.3.2     True        False         False      75m
marketplace                                4.3.2     True        False         False      26m
monitoring                                 4.3.2     True        False         False      40m
network                                    4.3.2     True        False         False      76m
node-tuning                                4.3.2     True        False         False      26m
openshift-apiserver                        4.3.2     True        False         False      19m
openshift-controller-manager               4.3.2     True        False         False      74m
openshift-samples                          4.3.2     True        False         False      46m
operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.3.2     True        False         False      75m
operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.3.2     True        False         False      75m
operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.3.2     True        False         False      21m
service-ca                                 4.3.2     True        False         False      76m
service-catalog-apiserver                  4.3.2     True        False         False      72m
service-catalog-controller-manager         4.3.2     True        False         False      72m
storage                                    4.3.2     True        False         False      46m
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get nodes -o wide 
NAME                                           STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION   INTERNAL-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE                                                       KERNEL-VERSION                CONTAINER-RUNTIME   Ready    worker   71m   v1.16.2   <none>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 43.81.202002110953.0 (Ootpa)   4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64   cri-o://   Ready    master   80m   v1.16.2   <none>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 43.81.202002110953.0 (Ootpa)   4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64   cri-o://   Ready    master   80m   v1.16.2   <none>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 43.81.202002110953.0 (Ootpa)   4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64   cri-o://   Ready    worker   71m   v1.16.2   <none>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 43.81.202002110953.0 (Ootpa)   4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64   cri-o://   Ready    worker   71m   v1.16.2   <none>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 43.81.202002110953.0 (Ootpa)   4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64   cri-o://   Ready    master   79m   v1.16.2   <none>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 43.81.202002110953.0 (Ootpa)   4.18.0-147.5.1.el8_1.x86_64   cri-o://
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
  • let's test scaling mind if you have an issue here, check again endpoints
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get machineset -n openshift-machine-api 
NAME                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AVAILABLE   AGE
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a   1         1         1       1           81m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b   1         1         1       1           81m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c   1         1         1       1           81m
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc -n openshift-machine-api scale machineset --replicas=2 test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a scaled
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc -n openshift-machine-api scale machineset --replicas=2 test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b scaled
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc -n openshift-machine-api scale machineset --replicas=2 test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c scaled
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get machineset -n openshift-machine-api 
NAME                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AVAILABLE   AGE
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a   2         2         1       1           81m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b   2         2         1       1           81m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c   2         2         1       1           81m
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get machine -n openshift-machine-api 
NAME                                         PHASE          TYPE        REGION      ZONE         AGE
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-0                  Running        m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   81m
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-1                  Running        m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   81m
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-2                  Running        m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   81m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a-bgt5t   Provisioning   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   19s
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a-bk768   Running        m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   78m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b-tnrrl   Running        m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   78m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b-zvvlq   Provisioning   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   17s
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c-nm422   Running        m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   78m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c-vq64c   Provisioning   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   12s
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get nodes
NAME                                           STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION   Ready    worker   73m   v1.16.2   Ready    master   82m   v1.16.2   Ready    master   82m   v1.16.2   Ready    worker   73m   v1.16.2   Ready    worker   72m   v1.16.2   Ready    master   81m   v1.16.2
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get nodes
NAME                                           STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION   Ready    worker   84m     v1.16.2   Ready    master   92m     v1.16.2    Ready    worker   6m54s   v1.16.2   Ready    worker   4m23s   v1.16.2   Ready    master   92m     v1.16.2   Ready    worker   83m     v1.16.2   Ready    worker   83m     v1.16.2   Ready    master   92m     v1.16.2    Ready    worker   6m33s   v1.16.2
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get machineset -n openshift-machine-api 
NAME                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AVAILABLE   AGE
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a   2         2         2       2           92m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b   2         2         2       2           92m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c   2         2         2       2           92m
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get machine -n openshift-machine-api 
NAME                                         PHASE     TYPE        REGION      ZONE         AGE
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-0                  Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   92m
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-1                  Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   92m
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-2                  Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   92m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a-bgt5t   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   11m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a-bk768   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   89m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b-tnrrl   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   89m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b-zvvlq   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   11m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c-nm422   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   89m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c-vq64c   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   11m
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
  • scale down again
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get machine -n openshift-machine-api 
NAME                                         PHASE     TYPE        REGION      ZONE         AGE
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-0                  Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   92m
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-1                  Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   92m
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-2                  Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   92m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a-bgt5t   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   11m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a-bk768   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   89m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b-tnrrl   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   89m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b-zvvlq   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   11m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c-nm422   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   89m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c-vq64c   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   11m
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc -n openshift-machine-api scale machineset --replicas=1 test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a scaled
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc -n openshift-machine-api scale machineset --replicas=1 test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b scaled
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc -n openshift-machine-api scale machineset --replicas=1 test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c scaled
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 

[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get nodes
NAME                                           STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION   Ready    worker   98m    v1.16.2   Ready    master   106m   v1.16.2   Ready    worker   18m    v1.16.2   Ready    master   106m   v1.16.2   Ready    master   106m   v1.16.2    Ready    worker   21m    v1.16.2
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get machine -n openshift-machine-api 
NAME                                         PHASE     TYPE        REGION      ZONE         AGE
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-0                  Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   106m
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-1                  Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   106m
test-cluster-wmd2d-master-2                  Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   106m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a-bk768   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1a   103m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b-zvvlq   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1b   25m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c-vq64c   Running   m5.xlarge   eu-west-1   eu-west-1c   25m
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$ oc get machineset -n openshift-machine-api 
NAME                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AVAILABLE   AGE
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1a   1         1         1       1           107m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1b   1         1         1       1           107m
test-cluster-wmd2d-worker-eu-west-1c   1         1         1       1           107m
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-0-237 ~]$