PA election data 2010-2018 combines the mggg shapefile for Pennsylvania - see and the documented fields therein
with PA shapefile - with election results: ['G18DemSen','G18RepSen','G18DemGov','G18RepGov']
with the following edits to openprecincts data: for compatibility with mggg database and census blocks, CRS/ coordinate system transformed to EPSG:4269 - NAD83 - Geographic
VTD in rows 3148 and 3292 were defective, so replaced with their equivalent in mggg database, 830 and 3274 respectively.
Population data from census block level was downloaded from Population data from blocks then aggregated into openprecincts geopanda dataframe at VTD level
as maup would not work with openprecincts data, a mapping was created identifying, using shapely functions, which census block was within which openprecincts VTD.
the mapping was used to disaggregate, pro-rating by population ratio, election results from openprecincts VTD's --> census blocks
using a mapping from maup identifying which census blocks were in which mggg VTD's, vote totals were aggregated from census blocks --> mggg VTDs.
the zipfile is the shapefile resulting from the above mapping together with the pre-exisding mggg data