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  • Testing graph traversal (preview link)

    • hit the spacebar to move the yellow current node
    • light blue nodes have not yet been visited, dark blues have been visited
    • point is to traverse each node, if the current node gets trapped, then move back to a node that has sibling nodes not yet visited
    • This way, every node is traversed and when the current node is trapped and backtracks
    • When every node is visited, the game logs the path array too the console
  • Graph traversal and making the maze (preview link):

    • a path is made with the algorithm above
    • this path is then passed as an array of strings
    • a function traverses this path and breaks the walls (removes borders)
    • hit the start game button to regenerate the maze and see the MAGIC
    • And this way an actual maze is born TA-DAA!