A Clojure & ClojureScript application to search for words.
The backend API uses Pedestal-Swagger to serve routes. A lot of code has been influenced by Oliver Hine's SPA-skeleton example.
The ClojureScript front-end UI needs to be implemented.
This project is a work-in-progress; it is some basic infrastructure intended for the January 2016 Hack the Tower event.
To start the backend code, launch a Clojure REPL lein repl
(or your preferred method).
;; => #namespace[dev]
;; :reloading...
Any changes to the Clojure code can be hot reloaded by running (reset)
once again.
You may also run figwheel from the same REPL by running:
;; to jump into the ClojureScript REPL run:
Start the ClojureScript frontend by running lein figwheel
. If the Clojure REPL is running you may visit either localhost:8080
or localhost:3449
to view the page.
The default ClojureScript build is devcards
there is a separate cards.html
that will execute this code. See more at the Devcards homepage.
There are some basic Re-frame components already written.
The default Clojurescript build is named devcards
it plugs-in some extra functionality. To start playing with it, go to localhost:3449/cards.html when you have figwheel running. Any changes to the Clojurescript code should be reloaded in the webpage for you.
There is a pedestal-swagger API located on localhost:8080/api/.